Odoo Experience 2017
Connect External Tools with the API
Location: Aula Magna / Foyer du Lac - 10/4/17, 12:30 PM - 10/4/17, 12:50 PM (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutes)
Connect External Tools with the API
Nicolas Danhier, Software Developer - Odoo
Nicolas Danhier, Software Developer - Odoo

Technical consultant in Odoo for 6 months

This talk targets every developers (beginner/advanced) who want to connect Odoo to external tools (beginner/advanced). Best practice to use the API to connect external tools & real world examples. Talk about how easy it is to use the Odoo API using standard tools with real world examples to emphasizes how quickly one can get results. During this 20 minute talk, you will learn

- xml rpc presentation (libraries etc) 

- basics (connect, read, write, call methods)

- advanced (csv, multithread)

- interface with other software and services (some real world examples)