Forecast Resources Across Projects

Allocate the needed time for specific tasks under a planned shift. Once that is done, analyse Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), so you can evaluate your employees’ performance and workload, besides the progress of your projects/tasks when comparing the planned and effective hours.

Allocate times under shifts

When planning a shift, in the Planning application, create a project and a task on the fly, or simply select the one you want.

Planning form to choose the project, task and allocated hours in Odoo Planning
Allocated Time (%) allows you to define the percentage of time you would like your employee to work on that specific task during his shift. See that information in hours on Allocated hours.
The calculation shows you how many hours out of the total shift time (End date - Start date) are spent by the employee on that task.
On Project ‣ Planning ‣ By Project, immediately see the total number of employees allocated per project.
Planning by project view in Odoo Project

Compare forecast hours with the effective ones

Now, once the employee has timesheeted his hours in the task, go to Project and with the View list, under All Tasks, conveniently see the Planned Hours compared to the Remaining Hours, and a calculation of the Progress.

View of all tasks and their planned and remaining hours in Odoo Project


Reminder: the option Timesheets has to be enabled on your project.

Under the settings of a project enable timesheets in Odoo Project