Advanced Export permissions per model



v 16.0 Third Party 2
Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 2146
Technical Name az_export_permissions
Versions 17.0 16.0 15.0
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Odoo Online
On Premise
Lines of code 2146
Technical Name az_export_permissions
Versions 17.0 16.0 15.0


  • Allows giving export rights per model e.g. Odoo objects like Contact, Tasks.
  • Grant super user access for All.
  • Allows adding a user, then the user can add a checkbox if allowed for "Export all" or to specified modules .

Usage scenarios:

  • Grant sale team access to export only leads.
  • Grant engineering teams to export tickets or tasks but not sales/contacts.
  • Grant HR rights to export only employees but not contacts or sales.


A user shall have access to the export and export line records (access rights).


  • In Odoo, Go to settings >> under user & companies >> select "Export permissions"
  • Upon selecting the Export permissions button, it will open a list of entries for who give access for the export permissions per user or all configured as:
  • It shows the user name who has export or none. In case of none this means all users match this rule.
    Each entry has a checkbox to allow all exports or specific modules that shows as tags.
    It is possible to drag/drop rules so that they apply to all
    • If "allow export on all" is enabled, then the user have full access. (E.g. here is Mitchell Admin).
    • If models are determined under the model tab, then user have access to specified models (E.g. Marc Demo).
    • If no user is selected for a certain model thus, all have access to the specified model. (E.g. all users have access to task).
  • On create a new rule or permission or edit, a new form will open.
  • If "Allow Export on all" is selected, then the tag model will be disabled.
  • Users with no access to the group "Access to export feature" will view the below note.

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