
Odoo Fuels DS Aviations

Who are DS Aviation Fuels

Company Name: DS Aviation Fuel
Country: Somalia
Industry: Jet Fuel Trading and Distribution
Number of Odoo Users: 7
Account Manager: Jad Issa
Project Manager: Abdelrahman Adly
Implementing Consultant: Abdalla Baker

DS Aviation Company is a private limited company that operates in Puntland, Somalia. It was established in 2017 and currently employs 50 people. The company has a total of 5 branches and specializes in sourcing, storing, handling, and distributing Jet A-1 fuel in the Puntland state of Somalia. They have a focus on providing high-quality fuel to their customers and have been successful in building a reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction. The company's goal is to become the leading provider of jet fuel in Puntland and to expand their business operations to other regions of Somalia in the future.

In the jet fuel industry, efficiency and organization are key to success. With a large number of customers, suppliers, and products to manage, it can be difficult to keep track of everything and make sure that operations are running smoothly. That's where Odoo comes in.

With the help of Odoo, DS Aviation Company was able to streamline their operations and improve their bottom line. Previously, they used an offline system to manage their business operations. However, they faced major issues with coordination and communication between their branches in different regions and cities. With the move to Odoo, an online system, everything is now done online, which significantly improved their ability to monitor their business operations.

Making CRM Simple

Not having an online system made it difficult to keep track of all the customers and their requests. This is where the CRM application shines. With this application, the DS Aviation company can now manage all of its customer information in one central location. This includes contact information, purchase history, and communication logs.

Purchase With Peace of Mind

Another struggle for DS Aviation Company was to keep track of all its purchases across different branches. Due to being offline, the process was disorganized and difficult to manage. With the introduction of the purchase application in Odoo, the company was able to streamline its purchasing process by centralizing it in one online location.

Users can now create RFQs and the CEO can approve and validate PO's using the Odoo mobile application. This opens the door for the company to create and issue purchase orders from anywhere at any time. The company can now create purchase orders, track deliveries, and manage invoices all in one place. This helps the company keep track of its spending and ensure that it is getting the best possible prices for its jet fuel. The purchase application has greatly improved the company's ability to manage their purchasing process, resulting in more efficient and cost-effective operations

Sale Anywhere, Anytime

Before implementing Odoo, DS Aviation Company faced challenges in keeping track of sales. The managers used to enter sales at the end of the month, and they needed to be physically present to do so. This made it difficult to keep track of sales and have a real-time view of their performance.

The implementation of Odoo has resolved these issues. Now, the managers have the ability to access the system from anywhere, as all the sales are recorded on Odoo. This makes it much more efficient and easy to manage the financials of the company. The managers are able to access real-time data, which helps them make more informed decisions. This also allows the company to stay organized and ensure that they are getting paid on time.

Bye Bye Low Inventory Levels

Prior to using Odoo, tracking inventory levels was a significant challenge for DS Aviation Company. They used to rely on endless excel reports and long email chains, which made it difficult to keep track of inventory and make informed decisions about purchases and sales. The implementation of Odoo's Inventory module has been crucial for the company. With this app, DS Aviation Fuel can now track the quantity of jet fuel in stock, set up reorder points, and generate reports on inventory levels and movements at any given moment. This allows them to ensure that they always have enough jet fuel on hand to meet customer demand. The inventory module has greatly improved the company's visibility and control over their inventory, which in turn has improved their bottom line.

Accounting Everything

The Accounting app is a favorite among the company, it allows them to enter any journal entry on the go and manage all financial transactions in one central location, including creating invoices, tracking payments, and generating financial reports. With the help of Odoo, DS Aviation Company can keep track of their customers, suppliers, purchases, sales, inventory, and financials, making it much more efficient and better-informed decisions.

To Tie a Bow on It

Odoo's CRM, Purchase, Sales, Inventory, Accounting and Invoicing applications can help DS Aviation Fuel streamline their operations and improve their bottom line. By managing all of their customer, purchasing, sales, inventory, and financial information in one central location, DS Aviation Fuel can ensure that their operations are running smoothly and that they are achieving their business goals.

Main Apps Implemented

Purchase, Inventory, Accounting, Sales, Invoicing, Approvals, Point of Sale, Expenses, Payroll

DS Aviation Fuel

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