I.N.C.A. shpk
I.N.C.A. shpk
PetEat I.N.C.A. NORD FISH Sh.p.k is the only producer of natural casings & animal by-products in Albania. PetEat Shpk is a modern company that performs full cycle of work related to processing,
packaging and logistics of animal intestines & by-products under the trademark 'INCA: Natural Casings'.
The company was founded in 2004 and for more than 10 years the company has managed to work its way up and now we are the only company in the Balkan region operating in the field of high-quality natural casings and animal by-product production. Today our products are used by the biggest Albanian meat companies and are exported to Balkan countries and EU.
PetEat Shpk has been taking up intense development and modernization initiatives since 2007. A significant amount of our profit is regularly reinvested in the purchasing of modern and technological equipment. As a result, the company increases the volume of products yearly and we believe in having a direct impact on people by providing them with healthy food. We also care about the environment through suitably processing animal intestines, thus contributing to a cleaner environment, not only for the surrounding area but for the entire Albania community.
The company is certified with the Quality system ISO 9001:2008 and the Principles Of HACCP.
After a bad experience in the implementation of software in their company, Inca chose Master IT and entrusted us with the entire implementation of the entire manufacturing process, accounting management, sales and purchase, POS, employee management, documents, assets etc. After we assisted and consulted with the client about the entire manufacturing chain and how it works, we came up with a single solution that included the entire business management in a single software, through ODOO.
The purpose of PetEat I.N.C.A. NORD FISH Sh.p.k. is to manage at any time and place their company and the resources entrusted to them and the growth of their company and their finances they have entrusted to us through the management that is achieved with a single software that summarizes every company activities in one, Odoo.
Selmani shpk
Selmani shpk
What a unique story this company is. A true example of, “from zero to hero”. Selmani factory has been founded from one true man, directly after communism, an era of Albania when private business wasn’t possible. The founder started the company first as a small distributor of construction materials in 1994. It took him just four years to expand quicky and invest in the first hot dip galvanizing and tank production factory that would be the only one in Albania and one of the biggest in Balkan.

Years passed and who knew that Its manufacturing capabilities would exceed the current needs of the Albanian market. This made the company moving towards European and world markets. They have brought a standard in Albania in production and construction. During the last years the factory has massively expanding by adding more services like metal construction and road barriers producing etc.

The Founder of Selmani is a true Leader, he has always worked hard by keeping in mind what value the factory is providing and always taking care for his team by creating a “family feeling” environment. His perseverance, dedication and hard work has made the company what it is today. You can find people there that has worked for Selmani for 24 years and are still happy and motivated to continue forward. Something very rare and unique in Albanian market.

First when we meet the Ceo the request was clear, the factory needed one platform that will manage every department by being able to generate very detailed business intelligence report which would help the company make the right decision in the right directions. Ceo of Selmani has a high professional background in Business Management, he has studied in Austria and has build a lot of experience during the last year. He has a clear vision by sending the factory in complete another level and compete seriously in Europe. Erdit has inherited the best values of his dad which now holds a position as the president of the company. Their old local accounting software couldn’t handle anymore the next level of factory and the vision of the Ceo.

The task was not easy as a lot of apps needed to be implemented by creating a full cycle by covering all the process of administration and production. The production used to have a lot of details that needed to be developed and adapted as galvanizing is a very difficult process. One of the biggest challenges for us was to develop and implement a very detailed human resources solution integrated with day to day job that would be posted correctly in payroll, this was very difficult as different workers were doing different processes during days and getting paid different for each of them. Everything needed to be fully integrated with other apps.

Its has been a unique experience for we as Odoo partner as its our commitment to implement the ERP that we represent in the best way possible. A strong point of the project was the direct support of the Ceo which became for us the SPOC of the project. We have invested so much time and a lot of meeting for Gap analysis. We have stayed in the factory to see live how the work was happening so we could build a clear big picture of all the processes. Everything from CRM, sales, purchase, documents, calendar, discuss, manufacture, plm, quality control, maintenance, dashboard, hr, payroll ect are well implemented by covering every operation of the factory.

Need to be mentioned that Selmani factory is part of the group that they have created which holds and other companies too, like the construction company and the only Hilton Hotel in Tirana which is part of their group too.

They really like the philosophy of Odoo and platform in general. As they are going live for their full operations we cant wait for their feedback of their Odoo journey while being along them step by step and support them for every need. Their company and the vision of the founder is a unique story and that’s how we want to make their Odoo journey too in the new industrial 4.0 revolution.