Cómo recibir pagos con Authorize.Net

Authorize.Net es una de las plataformas de pago de comercio electrónico más populares de América del Norte. A diferencia de la mayoría de los otros adquirentes de pagos compatibles con Odoo, Authorize.Net se puede usar como «pasarela de pago»<https://www.authorize.net/solutions/merchantsolutions/pricing/?p=gwo>`__ only. That way you can use the payment processor or merchant that you like.

Crea una cuenta de Authorize.Net

  • Crear una cuenta de “Authorize.Net <https://www.authorize.net>`__ dele clic a “Get Started”.

  • In the pricing page, press Sign up now if you want to use Authorize.net as both payment gateway and merchant. If you want to use your own merchant, press the related option.

  • Siga los pasos de registro.

  • The account is set as a test account by default. You can use this test account to process a test transaction from Odoo.

  • Una vez listo, cambie al modo Producción.

Configure Odoo

  • Activate Authorize.Net in Odoo from Website or Sales or Accounting ‣ Settings ‣ Payment Acquirers.

  • Ingrese su ID de inicio de sesión y su **Clave de transacción de API **.


    To get those credentials in Authorize.Net, you can rely on API Login ID and Transaction Key video of Authorize.Net Video Tutorials. Such videos give meaningful insights about how to set up your Authorize.Net account according to your needs.

Dar inicio

Your configuration is now ready! You can make Authorize.Net visible on your merchant interface and activate the Production mode.



Credentials provided by Authorize.net are different for both test and production mode. Don’t forget to update them in Odoo when you turn on the production mode.

Assess Authorize.Net as payment solution

You can test and assess Authorize.Net for free by creating a developer account.

Once the account created you receive sandbox credentials. Enter them in Odoo as explained here above and make sure you are still in Test mode.

You can also log in to Authorize.Net sandbox platform to configure your sandbox account.

To perform fictitious transactions you can use fake card numbers provided in the Authorize.Net Testing Guide.