Chitaitai Chemicals
About CHITAI TAI CHEMICALSChitaitai Chemicals is a privately owned company that has been offering quality chemical products for your everyday i.e., School polish, floor polish, and detergents.
Why using Odoo?
The need to track the manufacturing process and proper inventory management
Inventory, Accounting, Manufacturing, Purchase, Sales
Fliknik Enterprises
FLIKNIK Enterprise are leading manufacturers of all kinds of Sports Wear, Apparel and Fitness wear based in Zimbabwe. They move forward with an aim to provide quality all over the globe. It is obligatory for everyone in FLIKNIK Enterprise to sweat hard, concentrate so that we can satisfy their customers and meet their needs.Fliknik believe in cooperation, innovation, respect and consistency. They provide their customers with mock ups to begin and after approval they proceed with the product. Виробництво