How to build and improve a successful sales team
ที่ตั้ง: Partners / Bruyères - 7/10/16 10:30 - 7/10/16 11:20 (Europe/Brussels) (50 นาที)
How to build and improve a successful sales team
Nicolas Franka
Nicolas Franka

During this talk, we will give you tip & tricks to: 

  • Evaluate the sales force

  • Measure productivity, choose the right KPI's

  • Hiring process: find to the right people for the right job

             Sales people types

             Fit to your floor, company spirit and product.

  • Provide training efficiently and adequately

            Skills required: sector specific, general sales

  • Provide leadership and support

            Time-efficient assistance


            Motivational tools

            Dealing with high and low performers