
SBC Consulting: Delivering High Value Services with Odoo

Company name: SBC Consulting
Location: Italy
Industry: Consulting
Partner name: Advance Informatics & Research (AIR)
Main Apps implemented: CRM, Sales, Website, Project and Timesheet, Helpdesk, Documents and Email Marketing
Company Size: 10
Number of Users: 8
Hosting Type: Odoo.sh 


SBC Consulting specializes in helping and developing new businesses. As the consultancy began to scale, the company needed to better structure the storage of internal information because it was becoming more difficult to find and locate critical information. Working in collaboration with Odoo partner Advance Informatics & Research (AIR), SBC’s Odoo solution was deployed using the Odoo Methodology to ensure a fast go live. Thanks to their Odoo solution, SBC saves an estimated 2 hours a day. 

Key Challenges and Requirements

SBC Consulting specializes in business consultancy, accountancy and new business development. They began in 2006 and today support more than 500 entrepreneurs starting new businesses and launching into new markets. When SBC initially began the business, they never imagined they would support so many businesses and expand their services from their initial offering of consulting, accounting and tax.

As SBC’s business grew and their offers expanded, they began encountering problems with organization. They didn’t know how to organize and categorize the different types of clients and various business offerings. Various help requests would come in during a short space of time and the company was unsure how to manage them without spending too much time searching for information.

Information was stored in Excel and Google drive; sparse and unorganized. In addition, there was no standardized format for quotations. All sales orders were handmade. SBC needed a solution that would integrate, centralize and structure their internal information. They also needed a way to automate the generation of sales orders.


In Italy, tax consulting firms are viewed as old and outdated. SBC wanted to stand out and move forward with the time. They recognized the importance of an ERP so they decided as the business was growing, it was time for them to implement one internally. During their software selection, SBC came across Odoo and made the decision to go for it as their new ERP because of its incredible UI and UX. They found Odoo to be modern and easy to understand, even for those who weren’t tech-savvy.

They decided to use an Odoo implementation partner because they wanted to ensure a professional integration to the highest standard. An important aspect for SBC’s solution was the ability to connect their Odoo solution to the company’s other systems. SBC didn’t have the internal resources to ensure this so they decided to outsource this. They chose to work with Odoo partner AIR, because they specialize in ad hoc connectors between Odoo and other systems.

Odoo Partner, Advance Informatics & Research (AIR) applied the Odoo Methodology to ensure the most effective and a fast go live for SBC. In total, the implementation took 2 months. As a consulting firm, time is money and having the possibility to go live in such a short space of time was one of the key reasons why they decided to go for Odoo and collaborate with AIR.


The first stage of the implementation began with installing Odoo Projects, followed by the deployment of the website with full integration of CRM and Helpdesk.

Project and Timesheet: as a consultancy, it’s very important for SBC to keep track of time spent on individual client projects. This is important for billing purposes, tax declaration and SBC’s participation in a specific European Fund. With Odoo Project and Timesheet, the company is able to accurately track time on projects, compare planned and effective hours and forecast projects and resources easily.

Website: a new website integrated with Helpdesk and CRM allows full control of the pipeline.

CRM: With the integration of Contacts and CRM, customers automatically receive emails from SBC’s lists with real time monitoring. In addition, with the integration, all Helpdesk tickets are linked to each customer so employees can see the entire history of inquiries in one place.

Sales: prior to installing Odoo, sales orders were handmade. With Odoo, SBC now has an automated creation of quotations that has been simple, effective and sent directly to clients.

Helpdesk: is used to manage new business requests by clients so that requests can be managed effectively without losing details due to multiple storage areas.

Documents: With Odoo Docs, SBC has been able to centralize all documents in a way that’s useful for all departments and is able to comply with client requests and business needs.

Email Marketing: SBC is able to schedule emails and with the app they have begun to closely follow metrics and understand the reach of each email campaign. For example, out of 7000 emails sent in 6 months, SBC understands that 62% of emails were opened and correctly read by our customers.


The apps that had the biggest impact on SBC’s business processes are CRM, Sales, Project and Timesheet, Invoicing, Website and Helpdesk. The first result SBC noticed after installing their Odoo solution was better structure. It took employees less time to find documents and contact information. This meant more time could be dedicated to providing great services to SBC clients. The time SBC spends with their clients is the driving factor behind what they do. With more time to spend servicing clients, SBC have found new motivation within their work and are really proud of the results they are seeing with their clients and with their Odoo solution. 

“Now we can dedicate more time with high value services in consulting. This represents for us not only more money but also more motivation and satisfaction for our clients.”
-Luisa Maria Bamonte, CEO at SBC Consulting

It is estimated, SBC saves around 2 hours per day now that they create quotations, handle help desk tickets and email automations all in Odoo. Having extra time to better service client needs has not only been financially rewarding for SBC, but it has also been motivating thanks to the increase in client satisfaction.

About SBC Consulting
SBC Consulting is a consulting company founded in 2006 with the aim of accompanying the entrepreneur towards their own success through a deep and unified understanding of the company. From the beginning, the purpose of SBC was to create an active and organized but at the same time flexible reality with an integrated and multidisciplinary consultancy structure, able to constantly assist the company towards its success.

About Advance Informatics & Research (AIR)
AIR is an Innovative Start-up specialized in the field of software integration. We work daily to support people and companies to effectively manage their business, thanks to technological innovation. We develop customized CRMs, apps for mobile devices and we are active in the research and development of innovative solutions in the field of technology. We are in love with Odoo.SH! Air is also Odoo’s Best Starter Partner Europe 2021. 

Connect-ERP: Saving 1.5 hours per day