
Pontoni: Providing Patient Satisfaction with Odoo

Company: Pontoni - Hearing & Technology

Location: Italy

Industry: Medical devices and Healthcare

Partner name: Advanced Informatics and Research

Odoo account manager: Marco Angelo Villari

Main Apps implemented: CRM, Sales, Accounting, Invoicing, Purchase, Website, Inventory, Recruiting, Documents, Studio

Company Size: 60

Number of Users: 60

Hosting Type: Odoo.sh

About Pontoni

Pontoni is a family-run company operating in the healthcare, medical and hearing aid sectors. In many cases, having a hearing loss means not only an impact on a person’s hearing but also important relationships are compromised. For more than 30 years, Pontoni has been operating throughout Italy with the aim to help people of all ages to live a life with others and not be isolated due to hearing problems.

Pontoni’s vision is based on research and information. They provide diagnoses for hearing loss and with the help of hearing aids and a rehabilitation program help people to adapt to their situation and take back control of their life. So far they have helped, and continue to help, more than 15,700 patients throughout Italy.

Learn more about Pontoni here: https://www.pontoni.com/ 

A Dispersed System

Providing patient satisfaction has always been and continues to be a high priority for Pontoni. This is particularly important because Pontoni’s service is tied in with the health and wellbeing of individuals experiencing hearing loss. To provide the best care and service to patients, good organisation is essential. This was not always obvious to Pontoni, as their focus is solely on the practical and medical side. 

The company has 25 hearing care clinics in North East Italy with a total of 60 employees across all locations. As the healthcare provider continues to grow, so does their realisation for the importance of good organisation and structure. Prior to using Odoo, Pontoni had two recurring problems, one was that data was dispersed and not centralized. The other issue was they had too many spreadsheets that weren’t integrated or communicating with each other. Company and patient data was all over the place which led to inefficiencies when serving patients. For example, when patients required a repair to their hearing aid, they often had to wait a couple of days and Pontoni wasn’t able to provide a specific time frame for when the repair would be complete. 

Achieving Unity

Working with Odoo Partner Advanced Informatics and Research, Pontoni installed the following Odoo applications to enable automations to their workflow and centralise their data: CRM, Sales, Purchase, Accounting, Recruitment Invoicing and Inventory. The Sales and Purchase applications have sped up the process of creating invoices for patients and vendors. A task that used to take hours due to information being dispersed, now takes just a few minutes. Odoo Inventory has allowed Pontoni to be more efficient with their warehouse and stock and thus has led to reduced costs and a better overview of stock levels.

As Pontoni continues to grow, so does their need to recruit. Thanks to the Odoo recruitment app, hiring new employees has never been easier. From tracking applications at every stage, to recruitment to hiring and on-boarding, the entire process is tracked with all communication in one place. 

Since implementing Odoo in their workflow, Pontoni has been able to centralise their information and reduce the work inefficiencies. Thanks to a number of automations that have been implemented, Pontoni has been able to reduce costs by 15% and can now accurately track the waiting times for patients when it comes to hearing aid repairs. As an organisation, they have become more agile and the integration among all their processes has had a strong and positive impact on patient’s satisfaction which they calculate has increased by 20%. 

“Thanks to Odoo, today we can dedicate more time to our patients. Odoo gave us the possibility to improve the service we deliver to our patients. This is, for us, the most important achievement.”
- Francesco Pontoni, R&D Manager and Co-owner 

Thomas & Piron
From customized ERP to fully integrated processes with Odoo