
Optimizing Creative Operations: Los de Idea and their Transition to Odoo

Company Name: Los de Idea

Location: Mexico City

Industry: Marketing Agency

Apps Implemented: Invoicing, Sales, Accounting, Project, Timesheets...

Number of users:

Company size: 56

Hosting type: Online

Los de Idea, an innovative marketing agency, has made its mark by offering graphic, communication, and marketing solutions to clients. Their commitment lies in positioning and promoting brands through traditional and digital channels, contributing to the success of their clients by achieving their unique business objectives. The agency has adopted agile project management methodologies, which are supported by established processes and rigorous quality controls.

Encounter with Odoo: A Strategic Decision

The desire to improve their operations led one of their partners to participate in business consultations in Mexico City. In this context, they encountered Odoo, an ERP system that awakened their interest. After evaluating various options, they decided to explore Odoo -- initially through a consultant, and later by establishing direct contact with the company.

With nearly two decades of experience with another ERP system, Los de Idea faced technological and operational challenges that prompted the change. "We also started to grow and have a lot of people. Being remote, it became even more complicated for us, we needed something more modern and better. Technical support was something that caught our attention," mentioned Brenda Sesma, a representative of Los de Idea. She highlights that Odoo provided a comprehensive and modern solution.

Choosing Odoo Over Alternatives

Before settling on Odoo, Los de Idea explored alternatives lacking key functionalities, such as integration with the SAT system for invoice issuance. The choice of Odoo was based on its ability to address specific administrative requirements and provide an attractive and intuitive interface, especially relevant for a creative agency.

A friendly and intuitive aesthetic was also crucial for Los de Idea, a team full of creative designers. Centralizing operations, customization, and effective technical support were decisive factors, as well. 

The implementation of Odoo allowed Los de Idea to overcome obstacles and optimize their operations, highlighting its positive impact on the day-to-day activities of the agency.

Odoo in Action

The ability to centralize documents and processes in Odoo has been very important for Los de Idea, who prioritize efficiency by consolidating applications into a single system. Internal collaboration has strengthened, and now, every team member has access, not just the administrative team. Brenda shares that it has been simpler and easier now that everyone can log into Odoo to record their work hours. "This has helped a lot because we are still working remotely. We are 56 people; everyone has their Odoo tab open and enters their information," shares Brenda Sesma.

Centralization and Collaboration

Brenda Sesma summarizes the experience of working with Odoo in one word: "Collaboration." 

For Los de Idea, Odoo represents more than just software; it is the key to centralizing their operations, and optimizing efficiency in all facets of their creative agency.

The transition of Los de Idea to Odoo has not only been a technological change, it's also a strategic evolution that has significantly improved their operations and strengthened their position in the competitive world of marketing.

About Los de Idea

Los de Idea is a marketing agency that offer avant-garde solutions in graphic design, communication and marketing. They have adopted agile methodologies backed by rigorous quality controls. They Investigate, Explore, Develop, and Solve. Working with Odoo has resulted in them being able to centralize their operations, having an intuitive interface, and improving internal collaboration. 

Learn more at https://losdeidea.com.mx/

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