London Academy of Business

London Academy of Business

Founded in the United Kingdom in 2000 at the dawn of the 21st century, London Academy of Business (LAB) is part of a vast network of globally renowned educational institutions. With eight branches situated in various locations around the world, including London, Bradford, Estonia, Istanbul, Bursa, Erbil, Dubai, and Kuala Lumpur, our prestigious academy has established a far-reaching presence in the international educational landscape.
The academy is committed to enriching and diversifying its professional educational content in several languages, including Arabic, Turkish, and English.
LAB offers over 100 academic, vocational, and professional training programs that encompass professional master's degrees, diplomas, and training courses in various fields and disciplines (such as finance, accounting, administration, information technology, computer science, and languages). These programs are provided by a team of highly qualified trainers who possess advanced academic and professional credentials, including master's degrees, doctorates, and accreditations.
Our training programs are accessible both on campus and online worldwide, transcending the limits of space and time.
To further improve our educational services, LAB has established partnership agreements with several esteemed educational institutions, including:
• The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)
• American Academy of Financial Management (AAFM)
• Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA)