Hoe kan je een Unsplash toegangssleutel genereren¶
As an SaaS user, you are ready to use Unsplash. You won’t need to follow this guide to set up Unsplash information, since you will use our own Odoo Unsplash key in a transparent way.
Generate an Unsplash access key for non-Saas users¶
Creëer een account op Unsplash.com <https://unsplash.com/join>`_.
Ga naar je applicatie dashboard <https://unsplash.com/oauth/applications>`_ en klik op Nieuwe Applicatie.

Accepteer de condities en klik op Accepteer voorwaarden.

You will be prompted to insert an Application name and a Description. Please prefix your application name by “Odoo: ” so that Unsplash can recognize it as an Odoo instance. Once done, click on Create application.

You should be redirected to your application details page. Scroll down a bit to find your access key.

As a non-SaaS user, you won’t be able to register for a production Unsplash key and will be limited to your test key that has a restriction of 50 Unsplash requests per hour.