Manuele kortingen toepassen

If you seldom use discounts, applying manual discounts might be the easiest solution for your Point of Sale.

You can either apply a discount on the whole order or on specific products.

Een korting toepassen op een product

Van uw sessie interface gebruikt u de Kort knop.


You can then input a discount (in percentage) over the product that is currently selected and the discount will be applied.

Een globale korting toepassen

To apply a discount on the whole order, go to Point of Sales ‣ Configuration ‣ Point of sale and select your PoS interface.

Onder de Prijzen categorie vind u de Algemene kortingen. Selecteer deze.


You now have a new Discount button in your PoS interface.


Eenmaal u heeft geklikt kan u de gewenste korting ingeven (in percentage).


On this example, you can see a global discount of 50% as well as a specific product discount also at 50%.