Implementing a Customized Accounting System with Odoo
Розташування: Bruyères - 05.10.17, 11:00 - 05.10.17, 11:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 хвилин)
Implementing a Customized Accounting System with Odoo
Esteban Echeverry
CEO в Nubark
Esteban Echeverry
CEO в Nubark

Attendees will be presented with one sample methodology to implement the Odoo Accounting Application, covering the project planning and organization, its execution management and the coordination of custom developments to meet particular industry and legal requirements. They will also learn some tips and tricks to improve Odoo’s performance when certain usage patterns demand it. In the end, people will hopefully realize how Odoo’s openness and extendable design, make it an extraordinary ally to deliver solutions for meeting complex and diverse business needs.

You should expect to see Odoo’s Accounting module strengths and innovations, as well as some customizations developed on top of the standard functionality to meet particular business needs. The presentation will walk the attendees through the journey of implementing an integrated accounting system in a subsidy services organization, assessing the difficulties and opportunities of implementing Odoo as a replacement or integrator of multi-decade legacy applications.