Business Solution Services

Business Solution Services

BSS Change and Achieved:

1. Enhanced Financial Management: The accounting module would have improved financial transparency and accuracy.
2. Optimized Human Resource Processes: The HRM module likely led to more efficient and organized human resource processes, from recruitment to performance management.
3. Expense Tracking: The expenses module would have facilitated better control and tracking of company expenses.
4. Improved Inventory Management: The inventory module contributed to streamlined inventory management, reducing inefficiencies and costs.
5. Efficient Procurement: The purchase module likely improved the efficiency of the procurement process, ensuring timely and cost-effective acquisition of goods and services.
6. Customer and Employee Support: The helpdesk module improved the company's ability to address customer or internal support issues promptly.
7. Employee Empowerment: The ESS portal empowered employees to manage their own information, reducing administrative overhead and enhancing employee satisfaction.

BSS Achieved the following

1. Cost Efficiency: Streamlining various processes through the implemented modules could have led to overall cost savings.
2. Time Savings: Automation and optimization of business processes likely saved time for employees, contributing to increased productivity
.3. Reduced Errors: The implementation of these modules may have minimized human errors, reducing the associated costs of corrections.
4. Employee Satisfaction and Retention: Empowering employees through the ESS portal and optimizing HR processes may have contributed to increased satisfaction and retention, reducing recruitment and training costs.