2M Electric Group
The group carries out integrated projects: supplying, installing, testing, operating and guaranteeing all electrical tasks for factories and authorities ... and the design and implementation of Powerful systems and automatic control .... It includes the following: - Low voltage main and sub-main low voltage distribution panels - Control panels - Power factor improvement panels Product Completed production of our factories with components of Chint or similar. Amministrativi6-pence WLL
6 Pence is a management, HR, and corporate advisory house specializing in business process outsourcing and sales management.At 6 Pence, we promise to provide direction, guidance and innovative services to turn our clients corporate vision and strategy into operational reality and success. With our expertise, we are determined to ease a business’ needs by offering outstanding services that sustain long-term success.
Established in 2005 in the Kingdom of Bahrain, 6 Pence also has presence in both United Arab Emirates and the Sultanate of Oman. The Company provides innovative and proactive services, designed to endorse customer satisfaction while increasing customer retention of our Clients. At 6 Pence, we consider Clients to be our business partners, and we work towards earning mutual successes.
We ensure comprehensive and effective solutions for employers, giving them access to top qualified and skilled candidates within their respective areas of proficiency when they need it the most. Amministrativi
Az AIRON cégcsoport szakértői komplex megoldásokkal rendelkezek cégmenedzsment, adózás, könyvelés és pénzügyi területeken. Régóta használnak Odoot(már az Odoo 9.0 óta!). Szakértőnk a személyes konzultációk alkalmával azonban rengeteg újdonságot, funkcionalitást és Odoo megoldást tudott bemutatni a partnerünknek. Vállalkozásunk ezen kívül folyamatfejlesztésben és a rendszer költségeinek optimalizálásában nyújtott számukra segítséget. AmministrativiALDABA servicios profesionales, SL
"Aldaba Servicios Profesionales, S.L. gestiona los servicios tecnológicos de JEALFER, un complejo industrial textil creado en 1954 en La Coruña, España. Cuenta con una plantilla de 70 trabajadores directos, talleres auxiliares externos y un elevado nivel de innovación tecnológica. Desde su planta de la localidad de Boiro (La Coruña, España), diseña, produce y comercializa prendas exteriores de mujer y hombre con la utilización de hilos, tejidos y materias primas de alta calidad, procedente de la UE.Mantiene un ""Brands Portofolio"" compuesto por las marcas Pertegaz, Viriato y Jorge Vázquez; estas tres marcas se encuentran en España y en nueve mercados internacionales, con un total de 300 puntos de venta, cuatro tiendas propias y Showrooms en Madrid, París y Düsseldorf."
Proyecto Turn Key enfocado a migración v15 Amministrativi
Dekarbonisierung der Immobilienwirtschaft»Unsere Mission ist die Immobilienwirtschaft mit intelligenten
Softwarelösungen dabei zu unterstützen, dezentral saubere
Energie zu produzieren – und das profitabel!«
Wir bieten Unternehmen der Immobilienwirtschaft Software-basierte Dienstleistungen, um den CO2-Fußabdruck Ihres Immobilien Portfolios zu reduzieren. Amministrativi
A leading supplier for hydraulic power generation, ANDRITZ Hydro is a global supplier of electromechanical systems and services (“from water-to-wire“) for hydropower plants and one of the leaders in the world market for hydraulic power generation. They use odoo to manage their operational activities by using ERP Modul such as: Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, Invoice, Project, Document and Approval AmministrativiANDRITZ Hydro - Project
ANDRITZ Hydropower is closely engaged with Australia’s energy transition. They are a leading supplier for hydro power station equipment and after sales services in Australia. They use odoo to manage their operational activities by using ERP Modul such as: Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, Invoice, Project, Document and Approval AmministrativiANPI
ANPI est une asbl fondée à l'initiative des compagnies d'assurances belges, regroupées au sein de l'Union Professionnelle des Entreprises d'Assurance (Assuralia).Aujourd'hui, en plus des assureurs, les Membres de ANPI sont toutes les fédérations industrielles et associations professionnelles sensibilisées par la prévention des incendies et des vols. Les pouvoirs publics y sont également représentés. Amministrativi
AS Krasaino Metalu Manufaktura
The company's main objective for implementing Odoo was to improve customer service. This was planned both in sales and purchasing and by introducing the most modern telephony service in the Baltics in conjunction with the functionality available in the Odoo standard. Kmmf worked intensively to improve the quality of its service offerings using Odoo. In addition, internal processes were also improved to make business transparent"Amministrativi
Established in 1978, A to Z Services is a leading provider of facility management and cleaning services in the Middle East. With headquarters in Lebanon and offices in the UAE and Qatar, the company delivers tailored solutions that prioritize safety, quality, and innovation. A to Z Services holdsISO and OHSAS certifications, reflecting its commitment to exceeding industry standards.
A to Z Services stands out through its focus on achieving exceptional results. Offering a wide range of services, including pest control, MEP, and cleaning solutions, the company combines decades of expertise with internationally approved health and safety practices. Its methods prioritize efficiency and sustainability, ensuring the well-being of clients and staff alike.
The company’s dedication extends beyond service completion. A to Z Services builds lasting partnerships by remaining responsive to clients’ evolving needs, providing ongoing support to ensure long-term satisfaction. With a proven track record, the company continues to set benchmarks for excellence across the region. Amministrativi
AIDF vous accompagne depuis plus de 10 ans dans vos demandes d’obtention d’autorisation d’emprise sur la voie publique en France.Notre offre comprend :
- La prise en charge de l’ensemble de vos démarches auprès des autorités compétentes (Préfecture, Voirie, Commissariat…)
- La location, la livraison et l’installation des panneaux de signalisation réglementaires (panneaux, barrières, tunnel…)
- Un accompagnement sur mesure lors de vos ouvertures de chantier (prise en charge de la mise en fourrière des véhicules gênants, balisage du chantier) Amministrativi
Abdullah Al-Moshyqri Advocates & Legal Consultants
Abdullah established Abdullah Almoshayqri law firm in 2016 and within a short time, he was able to earn the trust of his clients and built a remarkable name in the law sector. He is an expert in litigation and alternative dispute resolution where because of his significant experience, he was appointed lately as an arbitrator. Abdullah Al Moshyqri Advocates and legal consultants, located in Muscat, the capital of the Sultanate of Oman, Bawshar. They carry out all legal works in all areas with high efficiency by our distinguished staff of elite specialized and experienced lawyers handling all types of legal fields. AmministrativiAbdulmajeed bin Abdulrahman Al-Jeraisy Human Resources (Najdah)
شركة عبد المجيد بن عبد الرحمن الجريسي للاستقدام شركة سعودية مساهمة مقفلة برأس مال 100,000,000 مائة مليون ريال.مرخص لها بتقديم نشاطي التوسط في استقدام العمالة وتقديم الخدمات العمالية للغير وفقا للسجل التجاري الصادر من وزارة التجارة والصناعة رقم 1010373085 والترخيص الصادر من وزارة العمل رقم 14/ش م م.
الرؤية : تغطية احتياجات العملاء الكرام والعمل لنكون الخيار الأول لتغطية جميع القطاعات العامة والخاصة بجودة الخدمة المقدمة وباقات تنافسية وحلول مثالية لقطاع الأعمال ولقطاع الأفراد والتي من شأنها تحقيق درجة عالية من الرضا ونسعى لنكون بالقرب من جميع عملائنا الكرام لتقديم الخدمات العمالية مباشرة لهم من خلال انتشارنا الجغرافي بجميع المناطق الرئيسية بالمملكة العربية السعودية.
القيم: الشفافية - المبادرة - الاحترام - التعاون.
الأهداف: جودة الخدمات - احترافية تعاملات - البيئة المثالية للعمل Amministrativi