
How does this course work?

How does this course work?

The Partner Onboarding course takes place over seven weeks. The first few weeks are more intensive, with almost 100% of your time dedicated to learning Odo, while the last few weeks are lighter and less demanding. Other versions of this course are also possible, spread out over 11 or 15 weeks.

You can start reviewing materials independently if no onboarder has been assigned yet.  Watch the video below to get the needed information: 


Here is the link to the runbot mentioned in the video.

The first 2 weeks? You're at 100% 

Initially, this course is quite heavy, as we ask you to dedicate 100% of your time to Odoo. During these two weeks, the goal is to give you an overview of the main modules: CRM, Sales, Accounting, Manufacturing, Purchase, etc. We recommend you stick to the schedule to see all the content and prepare for the Odoo Functional Certification. Please don't panic, it's easy when you are well-prepared.

As you can see below, this onboarding course is made up of a number of different materials: Business Games, Videos, Q&A Sessions and three Use cases. All instructions are given in the sections below.

First two weeks of the 7-week planning

What happens after the first two weeks?

After the first two weeks, you will spend the next five weeks between your regular job at your company (as a BA or PM) and a couple of Odoo courses and meetings. You can expect week 3 to take up around 60% of an FTE week, steadily decreasing to 20% for the last week of the course. Our last week of the course is week 7, but we are constantly expanding our content  with additional material that you will find under the "want to go further" section.

How to do the onboarding?

Onboarding superheroes to the rescue 

If you decide to follow the course with the help of our Odoo Onboarding superheroes, you will have a follow-up during your training in weeks 1 and 2. You will also have the chance to get extra help and meetings in weeks 3-7. During these group sessions and individual meetings, we will check your level of knowledge, provide additional information on specific topics through supplemental materials, shared experiences, anecdotes, etc., and help you solve specific exercises. We will also review the use cases with you as these topics cannot be tackled on their own. We can't stress enough that the real value of this training lies in the support you'll get from our team or any experienced onboarder.

We recommend that a member of your company take the onboarding course at least once for the benefit of future onboarders. At the moment, the training takes approximately 35-40 hours for an Odoo employee. If you would like to consider taking this course, we recommend contacting your Partner Manager.

Who is it for?

Newcomers to the world of Odoo

This course is a toolbox that aims to help people who want to start their journey to becoming an excellent Odoo Business Analyst. This does not mean that the course is only for new graduates. The main target is people with little experience managing projects in Odoo.

The "Odoo Implementation Methodology" format

Something that might be new to you

In some course materials, you will learn a lot about the "Odoo Implementation Methodology" (OIM), also known as the "QuickStart" approach at Odoo. OIM is the approach we have chosen over the years, and it has proven to be a good fit for 80% of our clientele. We agree that you're likely to change your approach for larger projects (>100-150 users on multiple applications or customers requiring significant development).  However, we still refer to OIM as a guideline even for larger projects (several thousands of users).  This course follows the OIM methodology, but many topics (e.g. data import, a specific accounting course, ROI analysis) are also explored and are useful for any methodology.

Is it only about functional aspects?

Most of the course focuses on functional aspects. As an Odoo Project Manager (PM), your main task will be understanding how Odoo works and determining the best configuration for your customers. You will also attend several sessions designed to help you become an elite Project Manager. In addition to PM and functional aspects, you will also have introductory sessions on sales and technical aspects. These topics are vital parts of learning to be a PM. As the main contact on a project, you need to understand how the world of sales works at Odoo, how we work with you, and how best to communicate with technical resources.

Task format

The course can be found on our eLearning platform. The format is divided into different sections per week, which are then further divided into tasks. An example of this can be seen on the left of this page. Tasks can take from 20 minutes to several hours. The longest tasks will take a maximum of 4 hours.

Each task is divided into 4 chapters:

  1. Why this task?: Where we quickly explain why we think this task is important for you as a Project Manager.
  2. How to manage it: We give you some tips and tricks on how to succeed. Focus on this part, as it often tells you whether it's an exercise to complete, a task to prepare for a meeting with the onboarder, or simply a task to "read".
  3. What is this task about: Main learning content of the task.
  4. Outcome: We expect you to check your newly acquired knowledge against the content that this task has provided.​

Feel free to comment and provide feedback for each item of the course on what was good and what could be improved. We want this course to be a tool for improvement. We have done this internally and the feedback received has shaped the current format in many ways. We have kept in mind that the current format may need to be adapted for audiences other than Odoo insiders,  and your feedback will be vital in informing the direction we take.

