Tawfiiq General Trading Co.

Tawfiiq General Trading Co.

Tawfiiq trading company is established in 1996 and head quarter is Hargeisa Somaliland. Tawfiiq trading company takes pride in running a cooperated business with an exceptional staff that is proficient in servicing customers at Tawfiiq trading company you can get products like food staff, cosmetics, stationary and spare parts. With the first changing market, is always quick to fulfill customer needs. We have the knowledge and ability to effectively cater the demand of our Customers.


1)    HQ Center, Hargeisa

2)    Burao

3)    Wajaale

Our partners:

è Alnoor Dates Factory

è Green Garden Industrial Company LTD

è P.T Sinar Karunia Sejahtera Kudus Biscuit Industry

è Fujera Plastic Industry