Al Asal Sweets
حلويات العسل – رواد في صناعة الحلويات منذ عام 1986. بفخر نحمل شهادة التفوق في تقديم أفضل أنواع الحلويات على مر السنوات. مع فروعنا الرئيسية في المنصور تقاطع شارع ١٤ رمضان وفي ١٤ رمضان مجاور رويال كالكسي، نخدم عملاءنا على مستوى عالي جداً ونتفاخر بوجود فريق عمل كبير ومحترف يضم خبراء في مجالات متعددة ProduzioneAl-Ressoom Al-Alamiya Furniture Co.
منذ انطلاقتنا في عام 2003، عملنا بحرص وعناية لاختيار شركائنا من العلامات التجارية العريقة والرصينة في مجال صناعة الأثاث من مختلف أنحاء العالم لكي نوفر لزبائن العالمية خيارات متجددة ومتعددة تلبي تطلعاتهم واحتياجاتهم مهما كانت استثنائية.وطيلة عقدين من الزمن نجحنا في الاستحواذ على ثقة الزبائن معتمدين في ذلك على فهمنا الدقيق لأذواقهم واستجابتنا السريعة في تلبيتها ضمن مختلف الفئات السعرية. واليوم بفضل هذه الثقة نحن في صدارة العلامات التجارية المتخصصة بالأثاث المنزلي والمكتبي في العراق وتربطنا شراكات استراتيجية مع أهم صانعي الأثاث في إيطاليا، إسبانيا، تركيا، الصين و غيرها من الدول في أوروبا و آسيا.
تعتبر العالمية اليوم العلامة الفارقة في عالم الأثاث لدى ملايين العراقيين سواء بالاثاث، الستائر، الإكسسوارات، أو ورق الجدران ونقدم منتجاتنا و خدماتنا لزبائننا من خلال شبكة فروعنا التي تتجاوز مساحتها 15ألف متر مربع في وسط العاصمة بغداد وعلى جانبيها الكرخ والرصافة إلى جانب شبكة واسعة من الموزعين الفرعيين و المعتمدين في مختلف أنحاء العراق.
ولأن الريادة بالنسبة لنا في العالمية لا تقاس بالأرقام فقط فقد حرصنا منذ بدايتنا أن نكون السباقين بتوفير خدمات وحلول متكاملة لزبائننا ومن ضمنها:
خدمة توصيل الأثاث.
خدمة تركيب الأثاث.
استشارات الديكور الداخلي والتصميم.
إدارة المشاريع.
تخصيص الأثاث.
أثاث حسب الطلب.
نحن نؤمن جدياً بأهمية الإبداع في كل شيء نقوم به، ونبذل قصارى جهدنا لنكون مصدر إلهام لكل الجهات التي نتعامل معها و على رأسهم زبائننا.
لذا قمنا بتكوين فريق من مهندسي الديكور والتصميم الداخلي العراقيين الذين تلقوا تعليمهم في أعرق المؤسسات الأكاديمية حول العالم ليتمكنوا من خلق أفضل تركيبة بين الذوق العراقي والتوجهات العالمية في عالم الديكور والتصميم الداخلي Produzione
Halabja Group15 Projects | 7 Companies | 5 Factories | 13 Trading Departments
Halabja Group of Companies for Contracting & General Trading, Ltd. was founded in 2006 by Mr. Aso Mohammed Ali Bamoki, Halabja group is a consolidated multi-sector group of companies that has been operational in Iraq since the 1980s. The headquarter is in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, the company has branches in Baghdad, Erbil, Basra, Duhok, and Zakho as well as overseas offices in the UAE, Turkey, and China.
Halabja group is operational in the construction, real estate, telecoms, general trading, building materials, agriculture, education, banking, and retail sectors. to advance the parts that the company operates in, by investing in developing human capacity, the latest technology, and modern business practices, as well as the commitment to strong work ethics.
Halabja group also believes that the demands and requirements of customers and partners should not come at the cost of the environment, which is why environmental conservation and development is considered highly in all projects and business that the company invested. With the guiding principle of “for people and the environment” Halabja Group has mobilized its assets to support the economic infrastructure of the country in the time of increasing employment local labor market. Produzione
Jawahar Alena Company
Jawharat Aleahyn FZE was formed in 1996 , the formation of the company was a shift from the original trading company which was established over 25 years ago to a new era specalizing in Multinational Brands FMCG. What we do.Our business is national distribution of FMCG specalizing in premier Multinational Brands. ProduzioneKirkuk Group of Companies
ندرك الدور الحيوي الذي تلعبه الزراعة في إطعام العالم. ولهذا السبب نحن ملتزمون بالاستفادة من تقنيات الزراعة المتقدمة لضمان أعلى مستويات الجودة في إنتاج الذرة. بدءًا من اختيار البذور وحتى الحصاد، يعمل فريقنا ذو الخبرة بلا كلل لتحقيقأقصى قدر من الإنتاجية والجودة والموثوقية لعملائنا محليًا وخارجيًا مع تقليل التأثير البيئي.
Kirkuk Company stands at the forefront of the agricultural industry. As a cornerstone of the local agricultural community, we understand the vital role that agriculture plays in feeding the world. That's why we are committed to leveraging advanced farming techniques to ensure the highest quality corn production. From seed selection to harvest, our experienced team works tirelessly to maximize productivity, quality and reliability to our customers both locally and beyond while minimizing environmental impact. Produzione
Moroj AlZomorod Company for trading and manufacturing of Packaging Materials.
Moroj Al-ZomorodEstablished In 1972, NHPCo started production of plastic household articles. Reaching 11 machines capacity from 100 grams to 6 kg machines.
In the year 2000 we started exploring PET preforms production and were the first to interduce PET preforms to the Iraqi market.
In 2006 new machinery from Husky were purchased. The brand NIMAFORM was established.
With the aim to supply the main Brand bottlers. By 2010 we achieved PEPSICO approval and became (and still are) the main supplier to PepsiCo Bottlers in Iraq.
Our success is due to the main aim of NIMAFORM to produce quality products. We achieved that by purchasing all required testing equipment to examine the quality of our preforms. AA and IV test are performed on samples of every batch daily.
Recently a state-of-the-art vision system was installed to further insure the quality of every preform and make sure that each preform reach our customers is tested and within the required specifications
We believe that to maintain success we must assure our clients the quality of products.
Rebar Group manages a range of specialized departments, each with its unique focus and dedication to excellence. From the manufacturing of decorative doors and composite doors at K-Door to the supply of factory raw materials and general trade operations at Abwab Dejlas, our commitment to quality and precision is unwavering.K-Door: Crafting Elegance and Security:
K-Door is dedicated to redefining the world of doors. We combine art and functionality to produce exquisite decorative doors and robust composite doors, adding an element of style, security, and energy efficiency to your spaces.
Abwab Dejlas: Your Source for Raw Materials and General Trade:
Abwab Dejlas stands as your dependable source for factory raw materials and as the bridge that connects various businesses in the realm of general trade. Our extensive network, quality assurance, and customer-centric approach make us your trusted partner. Produzione
Rovian Company
Rovian mineral water bottling plant is located in the northern Iraq- Kurdistan region. This area is well known for its natural springs coming from the mountain ranges of Iraq, Iran and Turkey. Most of these springs are ideal for natural mineral water. With its pleasant climate, it makes it an area ideal for fruit and other agricultural products.Produzione
Sulaimani Steel
Sulaimani Steel CompanyThe idea of establishing Sulaimani Steel Company started in 2012 intending to create and manufacture all kinds of construction steel rebar following American and British standards. Sulaimani Steel Company construction was completed and started production in 2015 despite all the difficult circumstances in the Kurdistan region and financial crisis in 2015. During the first stage of production, Sulaimani Steel Company’s annual production of all types of steel rebar was 135 thousand tons. In 2018 which was the second stage, the production capacity of the factory has expanded with an annual production increase to 200 thousand tons of steel rebar. Produzione