How Avalara and Odoo Eliminate Tax Issues
Lieu : Second Floor - Hall 1 - 30/11/2023 11:30 - 30/11/2023 12:00 (US/Eastern) (30 minutes)
Scott England
Director of Strategic Partnerships à Avalara Inc
Scott England
Director of Strategic Partnerships à Avalara Inc

Scott England, Director of Strategic Partnerships at Avalara, has decades of SaaS experience for a variety of technology companies. Professionals around the world have enjoyed Scott’s engaging personality, business acumen and unique perspective on global tax challenges.

Understanding the "ins and outs" of sales tax compliance can be tricky for even the savviest business owners, but getting it right is crucial for success. If your team is losing valuable time to manual sales tax processes, or has exposure to government penalties, you might be ready for automation. 

During this session we will provide an overview of Avalara solutions, and how they work seamlessly with Odoo to help automate sales tax compliance, decrease excessive costs, and free up valuable time for your business. Avalara will share practical tips to help your business stay on top of sales and  use tax compliance. We will also discuss how other Odoo customers have used Odoo’s pre-built Avatax integration to save time, meet government mandates, and sleep better at night. Many Odoo partners also work with Avalara to streamline tax compliance for their customers, as well. 

Any Odoo customer who calculates tax, or tracks customer exemptions, can benefit from this session. 

This session targets owners, executives, as well as professionals in accounting, finance, or operations, and anyone else required to deal with tax compliance around the world.