Abdullah founder for customs clearance AFCC
AFCC is a professional transportation and custom clearance services provider company working in KSA. Our expert staff understands the needs for all import and export processes and can help you to get your clearance process as smooth and quick as possible with less hassle and time consuming activities.شركة متخصصة في تقديم خدمات النقل والتخليص الجمركي في المملكة العربية السعودية. يتفهم موظفونا الخبراء احتياجات جميع عمليات الاستيراد والتصدير ويمكنهم مساعدتك في الحصول على عملية التخليص الخاصة بك على نحو سلس وسريع قدر الإمكان مع أنشطة أقل إزعاجًا واستهلاكًا للوقت.
Afaq Al Nama Transportation
Afaq Alnamaa for logistics services company was launched with experience and knowledge in the field of land transport through superior services targeting all cities of the Saudi Arabia Kingdom and neighboring countries such as the Levant, Iraq, the Gulf, Egypt, Sudan and Yemen. Our goals Meeting the client's needs and completing his work with quality and professionalism. Attracting cadres distinguished by experience and efficiency. Providing fast services with the application of technology in all our activities. Continuous training to develop and develop the skills and capabilities of our cadres with advanced solutions commensurate with the needs of customers.Transport/Logistique
Al Deafah International Group
Deafah Group Hotels for the management and operation of hotels and public servicesProvide a better service for visitors to the House of God of pilgrims and pilgrims. Ameline to become one of the leading hotel and Hajj and Umrah services groups.
Work on the development of the field of hospitality through the work of the various studies. Incorporation of the work of my hotel with high professional through training programs and technical. Transport/Logistique
Albassami International Business Group Company
Founded in 1968, it was one of the pioneers of professional vehicle transport services in the region. As the Middle East progressed, Al Bassami Transport responded to the growing demand for vehicle transport and has since grown its business substantially to become the leader in vehicle transport that it is today.It offers a variety of services that include:
All kinds of vehicle transportation services, for the local, regional and international markets
Logistical services, such as transportation of goods and supplies
Special transportation services for VIP customers
Its massive fleet of fully-insured vehicles and parcels transportation cover the entire territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as countries in the Gulf region.
Al Bassami Transport has the capability and experience to address any transportation and logistics requirement from across the GCC. Transport/Logistique
Alnakhla Co. KSA
مجموعة شركات النخلة الاهلية الرائد في عالم النقل وتأجير السيارات وخدمة المطارات والخدمات البتروليةالنظام :
تم نقل شركة النخلة من نظامهم السابق الي نظام اودو النسخة 15 ENTERPRICE
المزايا :
تكاملية وترابط جميع الشركات واقسامها في نظام واحد (مالية – مستودعات – مشتريات – مبيعات – إدارة المحروقات –إدارة الحركة – صيانة المباني والسيارات - الموارد البشرية - العهد المالية والعينية – ربط الفاتورة الالكترونية مع الزكاة والدخل – إدارة المشاريع)
تقليل تكلفة الوقت والعمل الورقي
رفع كفاءة العمل وموثوقية المخرجات المالية
تقارير سهلة ومتعددة وبسيطة ودسمة النتائج في كل المنظومات
سرعة الإجراءات والتواصل مابين الأقسام والشركات المختلفة
تنظيم الدليل المحاسبي والعمل علي اكثر من مستوي محاسبي
التعامل مابين الشركات المختلفة حسب نشاط كل شركة (Inter Company )
إدارة عملية شراء المحروقات من الجهات المختصة حسب النموذج المعتمد داخل موقعهم
متابعة الحضور والانصراف والعمل الإضافي – تطبيق موبايل او بواسطة النظام و انظمه البصمة
تعامل جميع الموظفين مع النظام عن طريق البوابة الخارجية للنظام (Portal Users)
حجز مواعيد التوصيل والتفريغ للمحروقات والصيانة بكل سهولة عبر النظام
الوصول الي العميل حسب الموقع المحدد مسبقا عند الشراء مباشرة
إدارة طلبات الشراء بواسطة المستخدمين
إدارة كاملة لطلبات وتصفية العهد حسب التسلسلية الهرمية
حساب رواتب حسب المشاريع وفترة دوام كل موظف في المشروع
حلول نقل لوجستية آمنة, موثوقة, متكاملة تقدم لك خدمات متعددة ومتطورة تسهل سير أعمالكرسالتنا
تهدف "أي مكان" الى تقديم خدمات للوجستيات وادارة سلسلة التوريد للشركات في منطقة الخليج العربي وذلك لمساعدتها في الوصول الى أهدافها دون المساس بالعمليات الأساسية للشركة. حيث نتميز باستخدام أحدث التقنيات التكنولوجية وتقديم أفضل خدمة عملاء، بالاضافة الى الحلول المخصصة والمتطورة التي نقدمها لعملائنا. Transport/Logistique
Eastern Province Driving Academy
In line with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's 2030 vision on empowering women and in cooperation with the Gulf Alliance and Saudi Aramco, "Which is a leading national energy company”, The Eastern Province Driving Academy was established. The Academy was provided with the latest technologies, to be the latest driving academy for women’s driving in the Kingdom.The Academy is located in Al-Ahsa, Al-Mubarraz (near Aramco Industrial Training Center).
The Eastern Province Driving Academy (EPDA), contains approximately one hundred Saudi driving vehicles and instructress who were qualified by the best certified driving experts from the company, “Swedish company working in the field of road safety training”. Transport/Logistique
Elite Freight Forwarding
Elite International Shipping Services Company is a leading provider of freight and logistics services based in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With a strong network of freight forwarders all over the world, they offer a wide range of logistics solutions to their clients at competitive prices. as a strategic partner, we are proud to have worked with Elite International Shipping Services Company to provide Odoo modules for their business operations. These modules, provided by Crevisoft, have enabled Elite International Shipping Services Company to streamline their logistics processes and improve efficiency in areas such as order management, inventory management, and shipping. With our partnership and the adoption of Odoo modules from Crevisoft, Elite International Shipping Services Company has been able to expand their offerings and deliver even better results to their clients.Transport/Logistique
Faisal Moh Transportation (FMT)
Faisal Bin Mohammad Transport (FMT)Faisal Bin Mohammed Transport (FMT) is one of the leading Company in the field of road transport, which have experienced team of administrators and technicians who specialize in the field of transportation and distribution in all cities of the Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. We deal in Transfer and distribute food and non-food Products to all Key Account customers , whole sellers and grocery .
تعتبر شركة فيصل بن محمد للنقليات إحدى الشركات الرائدة في مجال النقل البري، والتي تضم فريق من ذوي الخبرة من الإداريين والفنيين المتخصصين في مجال النقل والتوزيع في جميع مدن المملكة العربية السعودية والخليج. نحن نتعامل في نقل وتوزيع المنتجات الغذائية وغير الغذائية لجميع عملاء الحساب الرئيسي والبائعين بالجملة والبقالة.
FYTCO is a company that has molded to current and perceived market needs. From unitary cabling to VPN, we have paved a route that has kept pace with the changing and developing IT environment in Saudi Arabia. At FYTCO, a client is educated aboutthe current needs, the correct long term probabilities and cost-conscious
solutions. We help our clients build an accessible, manageable, and
sustainable IT infrastructure. Transport/Logistique
Golden Arc KSA
القوس الذهبي للخدمات اللوجستية والمعدات الثقيلةGOLDEN ARCH FOR LOGISTICS AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT SERVICES
GOLDEN ARCH Co was established in 2015, from Jan 01 2023 it has been expended and started to provide services in the Heavy equipment rental and logistics transport and growing rapidly. The head office is located in Jeddah Al Khalidiyah Dist. King Abdulaziz Branch Rd. Our company provide services to the clients in the Civil, Industrial, Commercial sectors. We maintain a strong rental fleet of equipment including Diesel Generators, Air Compressors, Lighting Towers, Manlifts, Telescopic Handlers, Mobile Cranes, Excavators, Forklifts, Backhoe Loaders, Skid Steer Loaders, Flat bed trailers, Boom Trucks and Dump trucks. Our rental fleet comprises our owned equipment fleet and we believe our principal strength is our capability to satisfy customers' different equipment needs.
Our equipment rental-related solution provision capability, strong and well-maintained equipment fleet provide us a solid platform for our future expansion and long term growth Transport/Logistique
Gulf Link Transportation
Gulf Link Transportation (GLT) is specialized in FCL and LCL services. With head office in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, we offer end to end solution for road transportation kingdom wise. Our aim is to deliver load on time in secure manners, with state-of-the-art modern fleet our with the qualified drivers our operations are meeting global standards. Transport/LogistiqueGulf Marine Company
Gulf Marine is a leading provider of custom clearance and logistics services, catering to both marine and land freight operations. Gulf Marine specializes in offering end-to-end logistics solutions tailored to client needs, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and reliability in every transaction.
Gulf Marine has implemented Odoo’s integrated logistics management solution starting from Work Order to delivery. This includes a GPS module integrated with Odoo that provides real-time performance analytics, enabling the company to monitor efficiency by comparing planned schedules with actual delivery times. Also it monitors the maintenance schedules of the trucks. Transport/Logistique