
Rental Status

View a breakdown of rental orders, including pickup dates and times. Orders are tagged with “Quotation” or “Reserved” based on status. Products that are past pickup or drop off time are tagged with a warning.

Invoice Status

View a breakdown of rental orders based on what still needs to be invoiced to clients.

To Do Today

Once orders are confirmed with pickup and dropoff dates and times, tasks are added to the “To Do Today” list automatically.


Rental Periods

Customize various durations of time that products can be rented for.

Poplatek za opožděné vrácení

Set additional costs to automatically charge for late returns. These can be applied on an hourly or daily basis.

Unavailable Days

Block out specific days where products cannot be picked up or returned.

Minimum Rental Time

Set a minimum duration between pickup and return for all products.

Padded Time

Set a minimum amount of time between two orders where products cannot be rented.


Time-based Pricing

Set pricing for individual products based on different lengths of time. Pricelists can be utilized for individual time periods as well.

Security Time

Temporarily make a product unavailable for a specified amount of time before a scheduled pickup.

Extra Time fees

Apply fines for additional time a product is kept over the reserved time. Fines can be applied on an “Extra Hour” or “Extra Day” basis.


Rental Analysis

View and present data on confirmed orders and quotations. Use filters and measures to track the number of products picked up and dropped off, total number of products rented, and number of orders placed.


Odoo Sklady icon

Skladové pohyby týkající se pronájmu se ukládají ve skladové aplikaci.

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Odoo Předplatné icon

Spravujte pravidelnou fakturaci a platby pro dlouhodobé pronájmy.

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Odoo Helpdesk icon

Mějte zákaznické požadavky na jednom místě a zacházejte s nimi podle potřeby.

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Práce v terénu

Plánujte a sledujte úkoly, které je třeba provést na straně zákazníka (např. opravy, instalace, atd).

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Odoo Prodej icon

Vyhodnoťte ziskovost pronajímaných předmětů pomocí párování všech souvisejících nákladů a výnosů.

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