Upload and Quote Standardized Tenders in Odoo
ที่ตั้ง: Aula Magna / Biéreau - 3/10/18 17:00 - 3/10/18 17:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 นาที)
Upload and Quote Standardized Tenders in Odoo
Joeri Mees
Technical Lead ที่ Callista
Joeri Mees
Technical Lead ที่ Callista

Joeri is since 2016 Odoo developer at Callista, Gold partner in Belgium.

Related to the construction sector, architects and contractors communicate with their subcontractors in a standardised tender. Today these subcontractors spend hours to days working on their price proposal, often with the use of Excel and research on purchase pricing. This module ensures that the tender document can be imported and quoted in Odoo. The structure is saved whereon the user can easily add prices, apply discounts, view margins and so on. After finishing the proposal, the subcontractor can use the same standardised format to send the proposal back to the contractor.