Mobiladd 诞生于这个智能时代的新时代,旨在以 智能生活理念简化您的生活我们提供范围广泛的 时尚互联 移动配件以及创新的智能生活产品,如无线扬声器、耳机、移动电源。Mobiladd aims to simplify your life with the concept of intelligent life. Provide a wide range of fashionable Internet mobile accessories and innovative intelligent life products, such as wireless speakers, headphones and mobile power supply. ค้าปลีก/ค้าส่ง
Import-Export / Achats / MobilierWorkspace est une société d’import-export du mobilier de cuisine et de salle de bain.
Ce domaine d'activité comporte de nombreuses spécificités et démarches administratives.
Avec l'équipe Workspace, nous avons optimisé l'ensemble de leurs process pour gagner en efficacité et accompagner la croissance. Gestion de la devise , achats, vente, gestion du stock…
Cela a également été l'occasion d'avoir un outil centralisé accessible n'importe où dans une
activité qui nécessite de nombreux déplacements.
Window 2 China
上海赢多途国际贸易有限公司, 成立于2018年,经营范围包括货物进出口和技术进出口。提供全方位的零售项目设计管理服务,精确地预测并执行客户的需求。Window 2 China was established in 2018, with a business scope covering import and export of goods and technology. Offer full-service retail project design and management, accurately predicting and executing customer needs. ค้าปลีก/ค้าส่ง
佛山市威迪科技有限公司(VIDVIE)成立于 2024 年。位于南海区,公司所属批发业,业务范围涵盖贸易经纪、货物进出口、电子元器件销售及信息系统集成服务等,以专业、创新的精神为客户提供优质服务。VIDVIE was founded in 2024. Located in Nanhai District, the company belongs to the wholesale industry. Its business scope covers trade brokerage, goods import and export, sales of electronic components and information system integration services, etc. It provides high-quality services to customers with a professional and innovative spirit.
广州嘉雅是一家专业从事皮具生产与销售的国际贸易公司。公司在广州和意大利均设有分支机构,其中广州公司负责采购、设计和生产,意大利公司则专注于销售和品牌宣传。JAIA公司通过Odoo平台实现了跨国协同办公,充分利用多时区、多币种和多语言功能,成功实现了跨国进销存及财务一体化管理。Guangzhou JAIA is an international trading company specializing in the production and sales of leather goods. The company has branches in Guangzhou and Italy, where the Guangzhou company is responsible for sourcing, design and production, while the Italian company focuses on sales and brand promotion.JAIA realizes cross-border collaborative work through the Odoo platform, making full use of multi-time zone, multi-currency and multi-language functions, and successfully realizes cross-border integrated management of purchase, sales, inventory and finance.
杭州安烨户外休闲用品有限公司办公室地址位于浙江,主要经营生产:健身器、五金休闲用品、帐篷、沙发、桌椅套、汽车零部件;销售该公司生产的产品及其他同类产品的批发和进出口业务。The office address of Hangzhou Anye outdoor leisure products Co., Ltd. is located in Zhejiang. The mainly engaged in the production of fitness equipment, hardware leisure products, tents, sofas, table and chair covers and auto parts; Sell the wholesale, import and export business of the products produced by the company and other similar products. ค้าปลีก/ค้าส่ง
欧派橱柜加西有限公司是欧派家居股份的一家分公司,业务覆盖欧派家具在海外的市场营销、销售和安装等服务。通过Odoo平台的官网、采购、库存、销售、扫码和PDA等功能模块,实现了从推广到交付的一站式管理。Oppein Cabinets Caxi Ltd. is a branch of Oppein Home Furnishings Co. which covers the services of marketing, sales and installation overseas. . Through the Odoo platform's functional modules of official website, purchasing, inventory, sales, code scanning and PDA, it realises one-stop management from promotion to delivery.