Acad Egypt Academy
Acad Egypt Academy
ACAD Training & Consulting adopted international standards and best practice competency based models as well as the implementation of human resources restructuring philosophy and modern training strategies in order to provide its customers with quality consulting and training services. In a fast developing world, ACAD extends its support to help businesses achieve transformational and paradigm shifting from traditional to competency-based performance and to attain their future strategic goals. In this respect, with our internationally certified experts, we have been awarded a number of international certifications and hence, accredited to design, deliver international training courseware and accordingly issue internationally accredited certifications. We are, therefore, pleased to introduce our customers to the newly developed training plan for the year 2020 comprising a number of diversified modern programs.

As a preeminent strategy consultant locally and regionally consultant in various industries, ACAD Training & Consulting is uniquely well-placed to help individuals and organizations build world class workforce. Where an organisation needs to re-focus staff, manage change or to capture commercial opportunities, our ability to define training objectives, design and deliver on-point training, to support implementation, to certify competence and to evaluate training outcomes, makes us the trusted partner of choice for your training needs. We draw on our hand picked team of expert trainers, who are among the most experienced and renowned specialists in their respective fields, to create strategic business solutions that reflect our spirit of excellence. You can choose the learning solution, which best suits your schedule, team, learning style and budget.
Higher Institute Of Administrative Sciences
Higher Institute Of Administrative Sciences
المعهد العالي للعلوم الإدارية بأوسيم يقع على طريق كورنيش الوراق – المناشى ، مركز أوسيم ، محافظة الجيزة
بدأ المعهد عمله باسم – المعهد العالي لإدارة المنشآت الصناعية بأوسيم – بموجب القرار الوزاري رقم 563 بتاريخ 1/4/2009 ،وتم تعديل الاسم ليصبح – المعهد العالي للعلوم الادارية بأوسيم – بموجب القرار الوزاري رقم 1901 لسنة 2012
المعهد يقع على مقربة من عدد كبير من القرى بمحافظتي الجيزة والقليوبية ويصل إلية عدد كبير من المواصلات العامة وكذلك قطار المناشى ( الذى يصل بين ميدان رمسيس ومحافظة البحيرة ) ، ويتمتع المعهد بمناخ صحى ممتاز لقربه الشديد من نهر النيل العظيم ولوجود مساحات خضراء واسعه حوله تتمثل في القرى المحيطة به
المعهد يقدم خدمه تعليميه جامعيه للمناطق القريبة منه لعدم وجود معاهد آخري قريبه منه مما يسهل لأهالي المناطق المحيطة به إلحاق أبنائهم لاستكمال تعليمهم الجامعي ونشر العملية التعليمية
للمعهد لائحة داخلية تتضمن الخطة الدراسية والمحتوى العلمي لها ، وقد صدر القرار الوزاري رقم 409 بتاريخ 21/2/2011 بإعتماد هذه اللائحة
المعهد يؤجل التجنيد للطلاب الذكور بموجب قرار القائد العام للقوات المسلحة وزير الدفاع والانتاج الحربى رقم (409) لسنة 2011 والقرار رقم (176) لسنة 2013
للمعهد لائحة إدارية معتمدة من مجلس إدارة المعهد
المعهد يقدم لطلابه كافة الأنشطة الرياضية والاجتماعية والثقافية داخل المعهد ويشارك في جميع هذه الأنشطة مع المعاهد الأخرى من خلال وزارة التعليم العالي ويتم تقديم جوائز قيمه وشهادات تقدير للطلاب الفائزين
يقوم بالتدريس بالمعهد نخبه من أفضل الأساتذة المتخصصين بالجامعات المصرية سواء بالتعيين أو الإعارة الكاملة أو الانتداب
المعهد يمنح بكالوريوس التجارة المعتمدة من وزارة التعليم العالي فى التخصصات الأتية
يتم تأهيل خريج المعهد للعمل في المجالات الآتية
العمل في المؤسسات المالية والبنكية
إدارة المشروعات التجارية والاستثمارية بأنواعها
العمل في الجهات الحكومية والخاصة

تعيين المتفوقين منهم بالمعهد بوظيفة معيد
استكمال الدراسات العليا والحصول على الماجستير والدكتوراه من إحدى الجامعات المصرية
Narmer American College
Narmer American College
Narmer American College is an independent school which offers an American curriculum with American methods of learning. Founded in 2000, the school campus has outstanding facilities. Faculty experience represents over 50 different locations in the world. Our faculty work personally with each student, taking the responsibility of not only helping the students achieve their educational goals, but also preparing them for their future. The school achieves its mission & prepare students to succeed in the universities of their choice in Egypt and abroad. The PreK-12 curriculum is aligned with the AP Standards of learning following the College Board Standards for College Success CBSCS. We implement internal and external assessments and standardized testing such as IOWA tests.

Additionally internal assessments are conducted for students in grades 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. The PSAT is taken in Grade 10 and the SAT / SAT II in Grades 11 and/or 12. Regional academic.
Technology is integrated in our daily classroom practices with smart board technology including a dynamic academic Management system which enables students to follow and complete assignments and academics online. Laptops and IPad are essential on campus and our students learn to experiment and explore using the most advanced technological tools along with their own devices.

Our advanced Computer labs and fully equipped Science labs offer our students endless opportunities for learning and success. The fine arts department continues to expand its offerings and performances and a school Drama.

Who we are:
The school was founded in the year 2000 by Mr. Mohamed El Rashidy, an educator with an experience of 50 years in Education. The school campus has outstanding facilities. Our Faculty
members are highly experienced and qualified professional educators. Our teachers work personally with each student, taking the responsibility of not only helping the students achieve their educational goals, but also preparing them for their future.

As NAC experiences steady growth, we prepare our students for continued development and our teachers and students share a love of learning and they strive for excellence in all they do. One of our major goals is for NAC to prepare students for lives of leadership and citizenship, including service to their communities. Another goal is to nurture strength of character, which will enable students to accept the responsibilities of adulthood.