Odoo 10
Released October 6, 2016
New Android Mobile App
New native app for phones featuring faster load times, native notifications, account management, and native widgets for date, time, email, phone, and relational fields.
Onboarding Tips
New onboarding tips showing a tour of tool-tips to help new users get started with Odoo.
Quick Creation
New mechanism to quickly create new records without leaving the kanban view. for CRM, Projects and Recruitment.
Access rights
Human Resources access rights have been split by apps: Recruitments, Timesheet, Appraisals, Leaves, Expenses.
New configuration planner for eCommerce. Existing planners have been improved too. Planners completion are now per company.
Keyboard navigation
New shortcuts and quick menu access / search feature.
Translations evolution
When updating a field that is translated in several languages, an alert warns the user to update translations.
Simplified configuration
Settings on the company form have been moved to the Configuration menu of the related app.
File Import
Improved import tool: auto-detect date locale and float formats, filter proposed fields based on values.
Easier configuration of multi-companies environments, and access rights. New company switcher in the top bar.
Developer mode
Improved developer mode with more features. Accessible from the Settings app.
All modules have been ported to the new API and the old API code has been deprecated, resulting in speed improvements in all modules.
Backend Optimization
Lots of performance optimizations in the backend: lazy breadcrumb, views caching, reduced RPC Calls, JS views caching, reduced css code.
Set a Favicon
Ability to set up a custom favicon in the settings of a website.
Sitio web
Huge improvements in the speed of web pages due to the QWeb compilation, page caching, and improved controllers code.
QWeb templates are now compiled for faster execution (between 2x and 5x). Several speed improvements in accounting reports.
Website Builder
New website editor
Web page editor redeveloped from scratch for an improved usability.
ENTERPRISEThemes cleaning
All official themes have been improved for a better usability editing the building blocks.
Customer Portal
New customer portal with issues, tickets, leads, quotations, sales orders, delivery orders and invoices.
Website Apps Icons
New icons for the apps related to the website builder.
New media manager
Improved media manager supporting binary files, videos, images and icons.
Blog Covers
Improved tool to customize blog covers: opacity, colored filters, customizable height, etc.
Comercio electrónico
Payment providers
All payment providers have been moved from Odoo ENTERPRISE to Odoo Community.
New Payment providers
New payment providers: Stripe (worldwide) and PayU Money (India).
eCommerce dashboard
New eCommerce dashboard integrated with google analytics. It includes statistics on sales, top products, etc.
Out of stock warning
Set a warning on your product pages to prevent ordering a product that is not available.
ENTERPRISETaxCloud Integration
Integration with TaxCloud to compute the proper taxes automatically in the U.S. according to the address (zip, state) and products.
Order Confirmation
Several methods to confirm sales orders according to the payment method.
Product multi images
Set up multiple images for a product and/or for its variants.
Images magnifier
Click on a product image to zoom. This option should be activated through the top 'Customize' menu.
Product Configurator
As an option, attributes can create variants or not. This allows having attributes that are only used for a product configurator.
Track delivery number
Get the status of your delivery order directly in the customer portal with a link to the carrier tracking page.
B2B and B2C
A new option allows you to select how you want to display prices in your eCommerce: tax included or excluded.
New Yodlee Interface
Support for the new API of Yodlee to improve bank synchronization and error messages.
Terms & Conditions
Configure default terms and conditions on new invoices.
Ability to set up a dedicated sequence for customer refunds and vendor refunds.
Shipping Address
Ability to add a shipping address on customer invoices. This address comes directly from the sale order.
Improvements in the SEPA import tool for European payments.
ENTERPRISEAged Payables/Receivables
Fold and unfold feature in the aged payables and receivables to expand a line and get the details of the customer/vendor.
ENTERPRISEMulti-level hierarchies
Added back a multi-level hierarchy option in the trial balance report.
Improved export of accounting reports to XLSX.
Reconciliation Models
Reconciliation models can now be configured in the chart of accounts template.
New statement to export FEC for France accounting.
New Camt.053 support to import bank statements from your bank.
CSV Statement Import
New tool to import CSV bank statements easily with detection of format and locales.
Unified Payments Mechanism
Unified payment mechanism for checks, direct debit, SEPA, recurring payments, credit card debit, etc.
Multi-level analytic & tags
Main reports (P&L, BS, Trial Balance) improved to filter on analytic accounts & tags. New report on analytic accounts. Ability to record tags at invoice, sale or journal entries level.
Full Reconciliation
New mechanism to handle full reconciliations (requirement for the FEC report).
Odoo Studio
Application builder
Create or customize applications without development and maintain your changes easily with upgrades. View the Studio App.
Reports Customization
Customize field labels with inline editing without a developer or use the integrated XML editor on QWeb report views for in-depth customization.
Translations Management
Update translations easily to localize your application in several languages.
Actions Editor
Customize actions: create new views, set default values, document your customizations, etc.
Screen designer
Customize forms and list views: add fields, customize fields properties, add widgets (notebook, chatter, button box, etc).
Automated Actions
Add business logic to your application, automate tasks with no development.
Menu Editor
Create new menus or modify existing ones to build your tailored applications easily.
Developer Mode
Use the developer mode to access advanced features: direct XML edition of views/reports, more options on fields, etc.
Better split between Kits and regular BoMs. Removed start and end dates on lines; replaced by BoM versioning.
ENTERPRISEFinite Capacity Scheduler
Schedule work orders based on the capacity of the work centers (MRP II Scheduling).
Manufacturing Orders
Manufacturing orders appear in the inventory dashboard and have a picking type to organize multiple assembly lines.
Push & Pull Rules
Use the new picking type to benefit from push and pull rules automations on manufacturing order.
New Master Production Schedule to plan future manufacturing orders.
Track your Overall Equipment Effectiveness with availability losses, performance losses and quality losses.
ENTERPRISEWork Center Tablets
Put a tablet on each work center to view worksheets, track production time, answer quality checks, scan serial numbers and trigger alerts.
New reports for: costing (based on theoretical or real values), traceability, OEE, maintenance and quality.
New MRP dashboard to track performance and quickly access your main operations.
Gestión del ciclo de vida del producto
BoMs and Routing versioning integrated with ECOs, differences analysis.
Document management
Store documents directly on bill of materials and routings, and manage versions of these documents.
Engineering changes
Use Engineering Change Orders (ECOs) to track changes, manage versions, and define a validation process.
Quality Management
Control points
Automatically trigger quality checks at receptions, manufacturing operations or packing/delivery operations.
Quality Checks
Deploy your statistical process control easily with quality checks.
Quality alerts
Organize the quality team's work using the Kanban of quality alerts, fully integrated with emails.
Auto-generated Statistics
Use statistics to get reports about your quality issues and checks.
Preventive Maintenance
Trigger maintenance requests automatically based on KPIs: MTBF, MTTR, etc.
Corrective Maintenance
Trigger corrective maintenance directly from the work center control panel.
Schedule maintenance activities with a calendar for the maintenance team.
Get all maintenance statistics computed for you: mean time before failure, mean time to repair, overall equipment effectiveness.
Servicio de asistencia
Multiple Channels
Create tickets by email, through live chat sessions, from a website form, or connect third party applications.
Knowledge Base
Link you helpdesk to a public FAQ/Forum or a knowledge base with presentations, documents and videos.
Easy Configuration
A new way to configure apps: enable features, configure and access them on the same screen.
Claim Module Removed
The "Claim" module is replaced by Helpdesk (tickets), Project Issues (bugs) or Quality (in a manufacturing context).
Configure service level agreements and automate related checks and actions.
Tickets assignation
Configure how you assign tickets: manually, randomly or balanced between team members.
Customer Satisfaction
Automate customer satisfaction surveys to track team performance and improve feedback.
Get a full overview on your activity, next actions and performance.
CRM & Sale
VOIP Improvements
Integrated numpad in the VOIP to compose numbers or answer to PBX menus.
Leads: mark lost
New wizard to mark a selection of leads as lost in bulk and select a reason.
Cohort Analysis
Improved reports for recurring contracts, including a cohort analysis for churn and retention.
Pipeline Stages
Opportunities stages are now shared amongst all sales teams by default to ease configuration (you can still create different stages per team, from the developer mode).
Reseller Portal
Portal for partners or resellers to access forwarded leads easily.
Point of sale
Dependency with Sale
The Point of Sale module does not depend on the Sale module anymore.
Demo Data
New module to load demo data products (drinks) to quickly prepare a demo.
Better handling of exceptions to avoid blocking users (eg. like opening the same session twice).
Default opening balance
Fasten the cash control with a default opening balance.
Serial number
The point of sale interface supports scanning serial numbers for products requiring traceability.
Order transfer
Ability to transfer an order to another table for the restaurant environment.
Forecasts & Planning
Grid view to forecast or create users planning in addition to the existing Gantt view.
Support for project sub-tasks. Easy for delegation or splitting a job to do across different persons (should be activated from the developer mode).
Customer Satisfaction
Automate satisfaction surveys (ratings) periodically or at tasks/issues completion. Public dashboard to share your performance.
Barcode Scanner
Improved barcode scanner interface for mobile screens and better usablity.
Integrated with packaging. Packages taken into account in the delivery cost.
Inventory adjustments
Inventory on category of products and ease the started inventory of your product.
Multi-locations & Warehouses
Configuration for multi-locations &warehouses have been split. This allows to have a single warehouse with multiple locations or multiple warehouses with no location management.
Returns & Refunds
When returning products, optionally refund the customer and/or vendor.
Internal notes
Set internal notes on products and get these notes to appear when receiving or delivering products (eg. quality control reminder).
Ability to scan or set a package and its weight when processing a picking/delivery order. Useful for cost computation and label printing by carriers.
Barcode Management
Track attendees participation by scanning badges with the new barcode interface.
Email scheduling
Templates of emails improved.
Editable PoS
You can now modify purchase orders and expected receptions will adapt automatically.
Blanket Orders
Create blanket orders, order when you want, and track quantities according to the contract.
Purchase tender
Improved usablity for purchase tenders: easily create new offers, don't cancel tenders automatically.'
Templates of PO
Use purchase agreements to define templates of purchase orders. When creating a PO, you can load all products automatically.
Partes de horas
Grid view
New Grid view introduced to easily manage matrix of records. Recording timesheets is now faster with this grid view.
Project based
Timesheets are now based on projects and tasks, not anymore on analytic accounts.
Invoicing policy
A new option has been introduce to invoice timesheets based on validation, not on creation. Useful to invoice timesheets weekly or monthly.
Tablet Ui
Put a tablet at your company entrance, and manage attendances with badges or code.
Print badges with barcodes and sign in/out by scanning the badges.
PIN support
Sign In/Out using a PIN code per employee.
Mass Mailing
Themes & Styles
Mass mailing now support themes (pre-made mailings) and styles for the choice of colors and images.
Four themes and styles are available by default.
New editor
The mass mailing editor has been redeveloped from scratch to improve its usability.
Building Blocks
All building blocks, and the designer have been reviewed to improve the creation of a mailing.
Recipients tracking
Check the status of mail sent and track external recipient on emails
Live chat Rating
Let your customer leave his feedback about your company services through the live chat.
Mentions are now supported in the discuss widget on documents, to easily notify other people.
Canned responses
Define canned responses to quickly answer most common questions in the live chat (use ":").
Chat Commands
New mechanism of commands. Start a link with "/" to get the list of chat commands.
Expense reports
Submit your expenses in bulk to your manager, using expense reports.
Improved reimbursement mechanism with a one-click payment wizard.
Attach photos of expenses, and easily control attachements on expense reports.
Portal de correo electrónico
Send a picture of your expense by email and Odoo will create the expense automatically for you.