Odoo Experience 2019
Best Tools for First-Time Odoo Development
Developer Discovery
Ort: Martin's / Vitality - 04.10.19, 12:45 - 04.10.19, 13:05 (Europe/Brussels) (20 Minuten)
Best Tools for First-Time Odoo Development
Thibaut Richard, Developer - Odoo
Thibaut Richard, Developer - Odoo

"I've been working with Odoo as a Client Solution Developer for about a year, and in that time, I've had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects, ranging from data migrations to frontend development. I'm very passionate about my work, and love to collect little bits of knowledge to help improve workflows."

Are you a Onoob (Odoo Newbie)? 

Join me to find out which are the best tools to get started with.

Find out which IDE will suits you best and tips and tricks on how to generate code quickly. 

The target audience is, as one may expect, people who are new to Odoo development and might not know where/how to start. 

Key learnings: 

1- Choosing your IDE: what functionalities to look for, setting up source roots 

2- Proper VCS habits (aka Git Gud aka How to use github properly) 

3- Proper Odoo development practice: structure, casing, documentation 

(4- If enough time, quick listing of performance tools => reference other talks on the matter) 

Why you should join: 

This talk will guide you to the right path for Odoo development, hopefully giving you the knowledge to set up your own dev environment. 

Structure of the talk: same as "key learnings". This is a short presentation, so I won't go too deep into sub-points. As a theme, a chick coming out of the egg and setting up its 'nest' seems appropriate :)