Odoo in a Corporate Environment
Ort: Hocaille - 04.10.17, 17:30 - 04.10.17, 17:50 (Europe/Brussels) (20 Minuten)
Daniel Reis
Daniel Reis

Daniel Reis is a long time contributor to the Odoo community, author of the Odoo Development Essentials and Odoo Development Cookbook books, and a regular speaker at the Odoo Experience events. Besides being maintainer in a few Odoo Community Association projects, he is currently an OCA Board member. He works for Securitas Portugal, a security services multinational, and collaborates with ThinkOpen Solutions, a leading portuguese Odoo integrator.

This talk targets anyone interested in deploying Odoo in large companies, e.g. sales reps, consultants, customers.

During this talk, attendees will learn about the specific challenges of deploying Odoo in a corporation environment, from my own experience with Securitas Portugal.
What you should expect from this presentation: Corporations provide a setting fundamentally different from SMEs. Not only the decision making process is very different, but the IT environment also has specific challenges, such as system integrations. So, both the sale and the solution to implement need to follow a different approach from the one used for SMEs. I will present my opinion on what these challenges are, and how they can be addressed for successful implementations, based on my experience with Securitas and my background as an IT consultant in large corporations.