Moving Legacy Data into Odoo Using the Import
Ort: Aula Magna / Lauzelle - 06.10.17, 11:45 - 06.10.17, 12:35 (Europe/Brussels) (50 Minuten)
Moving Legacy Data into Odoo Using the Import
Thibault François - Technical Consultant Team Leader, Odoo
Thibault François - Technical Consultant Team Leader, Odoo

Thibault is working at Odoo for 7 years, first as R&D developer and then as Technical Consultant and now he is leading the Technical Consultant team. During those years, he had the opportunity to work on a wide range of project and explore the complexity of importing legacy data into Odoo among other things.

This talk targets beginners and expert developers, but it can also be useful for project managers to understand the complexity of the process.

What the attendees will learn from this talk:

- A methodology on how to import legacy data into Odoo

- Specific format needed to import data

- Make a proper mapping between extracted data and data to be loaded in Odoo 

- Tools to import and export large amount of data into/from Odoo

This talk will allow attendees to understand the challenges we face when we need to input data from a legacy system into Odoo, like mapping properly the data and the objects, linking the objects together, importing business objects in a specific state of a workflow, importing company dependent specific data, importing large amount of data, etc.
We will talk about how to tackle these challenges and present some helpful tools.

The structure of this talk will be as follows:

- Introduction: Why you need automation

- Methodology

- Format your data for Odoo

- Link data together

- How to avoid traps

- How to handle a large set of data

- Use case