Interior constructions: How Odoo was deployed in phases
Ort: Hocaille - 04.10.17, 14:30 - 04.10.17, 14:50 (Europe/Brussels) (20 Minuten)
Interior constructions: How Odoo was deployed in phases

Peter Roeland; owner of Roeland interieur. He runs 2 stores in which different Interior related items are sold. As well on order as store sales.

Target audience: Potential users
Version covered (incl. edition): V10 e14

This talk will focus on the experience of Roeland Interieurs (NL), one of our Odoo Online customers who started with only 1 app (POS, replaced Lightspeed) but increased his use of Odoo based on the Odoo offered standard apps, expanding the usage with -limited- consultancy support. The customer started with only one app but then added various apps to his account. Operational and store sales (POS, inventory, barcode scanning) to optimize this process. Then Sales, CRM, Studio, Website Builder followed quickly.

Roeland is doing all the configuration and learning about the system himself and he has a true hands-on mentality. There is regular contact between him and the Account Manager, but the Consultancy hours requested were limited to 25h. The remaining effort of building the system was done by self-education.

From this presentation you should expect to learn about the experience of a shop owner, following the classic 'grow your company with Odoo' approach.

This will be structured as a talk, followed by a dynamic Q&A between the Odoo salesperson (Nils van Oosten) and the end-user. Questions are aimed at the growth of Odoo and the reasons for the customer's choices.