Nezávislá aplikace

Zeď novinek

Získejte okamžitý přístup k novinkám ve vaší firmě a mějte přehled o konverzacích, které vás zajímají.


Notifications inbox/dashboard provides a bird's eye view of the followed records. Notifications are displayed for all tracked changes (e.g., stage changed, task ready) in the systray.

Označujte oblíbené zprávy

Označte hvězdičkou zprávy, které pro vás mají důležitý obsah, abyste je mohli kdykoliv jednoduše znovu dohledat.

Soukromé skupiny

Vytvářejte skryté skupiny, do kterých pozvete potřebné uživatele.

Online status

User status indicators throughout Odoo chatter and DMs. See what colleagues are up to by checking if they are online, offline, away, or out of the office.

Spravujte členy

Zvěte uživatele do soukromých skupin a omezte přístup do kanálu pouze vybrané skupině zaměstnanců.

Chatovací okno

Přeměnte konverzaci na chat a udržujte chat otevřený napříč aplikacemi.

Emailový seznam

Umožněte posílat zprávy emailem, čímž se z chatovacího kanálu stane emailová skupina.


Označte Odoo uživatele (@odoo_uživatel) nebo celý kanál (#název_kanálu) v konverzaci.


Start chatting with other users from the command palette on the home (Ctrl+K). Open a DM chat with a user when clicking on the @mention, both on a DM chat/chatter or a user's member name in Discuss.


Enliven your conversations with emojis—a wide selection of emojis structured in categories and search functionality. Find your favorite emojis quickly with the "frequently used" section in the emoji selector. Show user avatars in chat. Add a smiley as a reaction to a message. Send GIFs to your colleagues in Discuss.


Začínejte diskuze

Create direct discussions with other employees and create private discussion groups. Edit or delete a message. Edit sent messages in the chatter.

Direct messages

Private - direct message chats. Create a group from a Direct Message.

Group communication

Group messaging chats.

Video conferencing

Video chats with two or more people.

Voice lines

Voice channels to internal users.

Audio messages

Send voice messages via Discuss.

Message actions list

The message actions list has a compact/expand mode.


Channel communication

Broad and focused messaging channels (customizable). Copy button on channel invitation links. Archive an unused channel.

Odebírání kanálů

Vytvářejte otevřené skupiny, nazvané kanály, kde můžete sledovat diskuzi na dané téma. Můžete také být zahrnuti do projektů tím, že budete sledovat existující kanál nebo založíte nový.

Invite new members to channels

Invite people as new members of channels. Simplified channel notifications. Removal of channels as followers and removal of mail channels.

Chat members

Display the list of members that belong to any given channel.

Private channels

Users who create private channels are automatically added as members.

Join/leave notifications

Less obtrusive join/leave notifications in channels.

Advanced options

Search current user

The current user is included in the chat box search results.

Mark as unread

Users can mark messages as unread in their Discuss conversations and channels to process them later. The sender sees the message as delivered and not seen.

Pin messages

Pin messages in your Discuss conversations to quickly access important and old messages. A section with pinned messages is available from the header of your conversations and channels. You can jump to specific pinned messages from there.

Link previews

Link previews are displayed when a message is posted.

Download images button

Added a download button when hovering image attachment in Discuss or on the chatter.

Options menu from username

All Discuss-related options are available when clicking a username in the chat window header. In addition, open an employee's profile or edit their username in the menu.


Keep the custom summary when changing the activity type. Display activity summaries and fallback to the activity type if no summary is set. Activities can be accessed via the widget—-display, which is assigned (if it isn't the current user). Icons show activity type.


Voice & video

Voice and video calls are available. Users can change displays and share their screens with members.

Video background blur

Blur your background during video calls.

Video calls UI

Impressive user interface for video calls, with a dedicated side panel for settings.


Users can start a meeting and invite external guests to the video call within the Discuss app.

Raise hand option from Discuss meeting

Meeting participants can raise their hands to signal that they wish to speak and notify other participants.

Show guests

Guests are shown in member lists.


Every application

Full Odoo app integration.

Chatter v aplikacích

Posílejte zprávy, přidávejte poznámky, odběratele a kanály přímo z jakékoliv aplikace a mějte přehled o těchto konverzacích z aplikace Diskuze.

Email addresses in chatter

Display recipients' email addresses when sending a message from the chatter.


International communication

Chat / Conference / Call from any device and anywhere in the world.


Discuss widgets accessible from any Odoo window.


WhatsApp integration, with access to messaging the same as direct messaging.

Intuitive user interface

Improved the sidebar UI to make channels, chats, etc., much easier to find. Get user avatars in the DM/Group DM section in the sidebar.

Conversations dropdown readability

Improved the conversations dropdown menu (inbox) readability.