Implementing Odoo in AH Industries, a Global Manufacturing Company
2019/10/3 上午10:20 - 2019/10/3 上午10:40 (Europe/Brussels) (20 分鐘)
Implementing Odoo in AH Industries, a Global Manufacturing Company
Karen Balslev Pederson
Compliance Officer AH Industries
Karen Balslev Pederson
Compliance Officer AH Industries

Implementing Odoo in a large company is not impossible.
Join us to find out how it went for AH Industries, manufacturer of wind turbines. 

Odoo 12 went live in the first location after a considerably short project period of 3,5 months, in June 2019, and by mid-2020 it will be implemented in all locations.

We will explore the whole process of an Odoo implementation from "Proof of Concept" to "Go-Live" in a large SME within a multinational, multi-company, multi-currency and multi-language environment. We will present the implementation concept and project execution as well as learnings and takeaways.

This talk will be done in the interview format with Karen Balslev Pederson for AH Industries and our CPO Johan Wouters.