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An Exemplary Implementation of Odoo Managed in 6 Days

Country: Germany
Industry: Consulting
Apps Implemented: CRM, Sales, Project, Timesheet, Inventory, Invoicing, Accounting, Purchase, Leaves, Recruitment, Expenses, Studio, Fleet
Implementing Partner: IFE
Company Size: 30 Employees
Odoo Users: 30 Users
Original Version in German:

Thescon is a consulting company headquartered in Solms, Germany, with expertise in the pharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnological and food industries, and they also have experience working for manufacturers of medical devices. In addition to their consultancy services in the regulated environment (e.g. compliance management concerning computer system validation) and quality management, Thescon is a trusted partner for software selection, IT and organizational consulting, and, project and process management.

Being a company that advises other companies on the use of ERPs, CRM, etc., and carries out the selection procedures for their own clients, Thescon’s decision to implement Odoo with IFE is of particular significance.

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The Aim of the Project

Thescon partnered up with official Odoo partner, IFE, and started their Odoo Enterprise subscription in July 2017. The main goal of the project was to have everything, from customer requests to invoicing, performed by one single integrated solution. Furthermore, it was essential that the hours and expenses incurred could easily be recorded and then invoiced to the customer accordingly.

With Odoo Sales, Project and Timesheet, Thescon is able to record and sell their services in various forms and settle all hours with ease. Moreover, Odoo is particularly convenient for handling both classic milestone projects as well as maintenance and service contracts, which is especially useful for a consulting company.

Working with Odoo Project and Timesheet

As a service company, Thescon’s products have the invoicing rule “Invoice on delivery”, which has been created for the processing of projects in Odoo Timesheet. This is configured with the “Create a task and track the hours” tracking option. With this configuration, if the product is sold, a new project and a new task within the project is automatically created in Odoo Projects. If the project already exists, it can be specified in the quotation so that the task is created in the correct existing project instead. If tasks for this particular product should always be created in the same project, then it’s possible to assign a fixed project to a specific product.

Once the Sales Order for the product is created, it shows exactly how many hours were originally sold and how many of these hours have already been invoiced and settled. The task that is created by this Sales Order is linked to it and you can easily find it with a simple click of a button.


With Odoo Project and Odoo Timesheet, the consultants can now directly enter their hours in the time recording interface of Odoo. Alternatively, this can also be done using a smartphone.


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The hours recorded are automatically added to the Sales Order in the “Delivered” column and they’re then ready to be invoiced.


Efficiently Collecting Expenses

With Odoo Expenses, employees can easily and quickly enter their expenses and directly upload any accompanying documents into the database. The expenses are then automatically submitted to their manager. Another possibility is to link an incoming mail server to the backend, so employees can automatically create a credit record, including an attachment, by simply sending an email to a predefined email alias. Upon receipt, Odoo automatically creates or updates the record.


Processing a Fixed Price Project

The first step is to create and configure a product. In this case the product is consultancy services so the product type “service” is created. For the invoicing process, the rule “Invoice at delivery” and the service tracking “Set quantities manually in purchase orders” are activated.

Next, an offer is created for a customer. In this particular example, the ordered quantity is 5, the individual rate per unit of service is fixed, and the offer created accordingly. The offer then bets sent to the customer, who has to accept it. Once the offer is confirmed Odoo it’s converted into a Sales Order.


After the first 3 service units out of the 5 ordered have been delivered, an invoice is issued for the delivered service only. The Sales Order is then updated with the already delivered quantity of the service product, with 5 units as the “ordered quantity” and 3 units as the “delivered quantity”.


Once the changes have been saved the Sales Order now shows that the project is partially delivered, with 3 out of 5 service units completed. Odoo will now propose to create an invoice for the delivered quantity. This will create an invoice for the first three service parts only. After the draft has been approved, it becomes a legit invoice.

Sales and Project Management in Odoo

At Thescon, there are two ways in which a service project is considered completed in Odoo: the ordered service units are delivered and invoiced at a previously fixed rate, and on a monthly basis based on hours worked in Odoo Timesheet. Both scenarios can be displayed clearly in Odoo.

If the sold unit quantities are already predetermined, Thescon will issue a sales order in Odoo with the number of ordered service units. If the delivered quantity exceeds the ordered quantity, the sales order is simply updated and afterwards an invoice is generated with just a click of a button. When invoicing directly from the Odoo Timesheet, the Sales Order automatically creates a new task in Odoo Project. The Thescon employees can then book their working hours on these tasks, which in turn increases the number of hours delivered in the Sales Order.

Taking Care of Finances with Odoo

All the invoices created from Odoo Sales are managed in Odoo Accounting. Importing bank statements enables an automatic comparison of the open items with the payments received into the bank account, and thus the invoices are automatically marked as “paid” upon receipt of payment. Additionally, having the grouping function and the option to create filters, allows you to conveniently create a list of all invoices that for example, haven’t been paid yet. Creating a list on demand simply takes a few clicks, and then automatic payment reminders can be sent to the default invoice recipients.

About IFE - An Odoo Gold Partner

IFE was founded in 1990, with more than 25 years of IT experience, and they are a long-standing Odoo Gold Partner. They have more Odoo contracts than any other partner in Germany or worldwide. With more than 200 Odoo OpenErp projects in Germany and abroad, IFE has extensive experience in the field. In June 2014, IFE received an award from Odoo S.A., out of 600 partners, as the “Best Partner in Europe 2014”.

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