Odoo Experience 2015
Odoo testing on steroids
ที่ตั้ง: Developers / Hocaille (-1) - 3/6/15 16:30 - 3/6/15 16:49 (Europe/Brussels) (20 นาที)
Odoo testing on steroids

Building up on the 2013 talk "OpenERP Testing Tools" by Alexandre Fayolle [1], I will present the state of the art of automatic testing for Odoo, in areas like expressiveness, maintainability and speed. I will show how to effectively use the testing techniques available, with examples on how to improve readability, isolation, output and failures. Next, I will discuss some open problems, with possible solutions for the near future. [1] http://www.slideshare.net/openobject/why-and-how-to-develop-open-test-scenarios-in-python-and-using-oerp-scenario-alexandre-fayolle-camptocamp