Odoo Experience 2015
Case study - Political party: Ecolo
ที่ตั้ง: Business Sessions / Biéreau (-1) - 4/6/15 11:00 - 4/6/15 11:19 (Europe/Brussels) (20 นาที)

Ecolo (the green Belgian political party) entrusted to Acsone the development of Mozaik, an application to manage and communicate with it's human resources: be it members (and manage membership), supporters, Ecolo politicians and political representatives in the boards of various organisations, and state owned agencies.

By choice model of society, Ecolo since it's beginning always used as many FOSS as possible for itself, and also promoted a maximum use of OOS by the states administrations, that's why you can get the whole application and modules of Mozaik open sourced under AGPL.