KBRI Kuala Lumpur
Inquire.ID is an online matchmaking platform provided by Embassy of The Republic of Indonesia Kuala Lumpur. The website connects Malaysian with thousands of Indonesian products suppliers. This includes investment projects offered by both government and private sectors in Indonesia. Please visit inquire.id Openbaar bestuurSarawak Economic Development Corporation
The Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) was established on 1st March 1972 as a state – owned statutory body with the general aim of promoting the commercial, industrial and socio-economic development of the State. SEDC was established under the Perbadanan Pembangunan Ekonomi Sarawak Ordinance (Sarawak Cap. 35), a law duly passed by the Sarawak State Assembly in accordance with the powers conferred on and delegated to the State Government of Sarawak under the Constitution of Malaysia.While SEDC is a statutory body established under the laws of the State of Sarawak, it also comes under the purview of the Federal Government of Malaysia through the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA).
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