Education: Aroolla Serious Games for ERP Training
Lieu : Martin's / Agora - 02/10/2019 16:30 - 02/10/2019 17:20 (Europe/Brussels) (50 minutes)
Education: Aroolla Serious Games for ERP Training
Ulysse Rosselet
Ulysse Rosselet

Ulysse Rosselet is a Professor of Information Systems at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO). He co-authored the Aroolla games in order to teach ERP and integrated business processes classes at Bachelor, Master and Executive levels.

Are you using Odoo?

Let’s face it, ERPs are everywhere.

Using them effectively is crucial for successful operations. Given the fast evolution of business processes and software tools, user training is constantly needed. Traditionally, it relied mostly on repetitive learning and was generally centered on software features and user interfaces rather than business tasks and processes. This approach is rather dull and disconnected from the dynamic aspects of business.   

Since playfulness is the brain’s best friend, the Aroolla line of serious games permits the learning of business processes and their related ERP tasks in an entertaining way. Users fulfill challenging business goals by carrying out real tasks using real enterprise software. Each one has a role in a realistic business process whose progress is automated by a simulator. 

Building upon years of experience in using serious games for business education, our team developed different types of games to address different learning goals: 

- tangible pen and paper games where trainees understand the information needs of a simple business process in a playful way 

- individual computer training where the user carries out specific tasks in the ERP at his own pace with individual integrated coaching 

- competitive realtime games where multiple teams must master the key business decisions and the ERP interface to achieve the best performance. 

After years of training people to use Odoo with slides, videos or webinars, it’s time to let them play with Odoo!   

During this presentation, attendees will discover the benefits of serious gaming for ERP learning and how different types of games can reach complementary training goals effectively. They will also discover the line of games developed by Aroolla and their potential for ERP training.    

Key learnings  

-what are the benefits that serious games bring to learning  

-how serious games can transform ERP training  

-what are the advantages of different gaming situations  

-how the current games available for Odoo Enterprise can support business processes and ERP training