مركز الملك عبدالعزيز للتواصل الحضاري

مركز الملك عبدالعزيز للتواصل الحضاري

An independent national institution which seeks to strengthen channels of communication and dialogue between Saudi citizens and the different elements and institutions of Saudi society to establish and disseminate the culture of dialogue in society, discuss national issues which affect the life of the Saudi citizen and take part in the development of the nation through enabling the participation of different groups, intellectual tendencies and social institutions through the mechanisms and mediums of dialogue. It also works to spread the culture of dialogue and establish it as a norm for general conduct on the levels of the individual citizen, the family and society at large reflecting adherence to, and pride in, the Islamic religion. This, in turn, will serve to strengthen the concept and values of good citizenship as well as reinforce the security and unity of the nation.