Hermes d.o.o.
Hermes is an experienced and trusted software company dedicated to delivering innovative Business Solutions to all sized businesses across the region. We take the time to understand your business and your needs in order to provide you the most effective solutions. We’ll free up your time and streamline your processes, so that you can reduce your costs, focus on your business and achieve your goals faster.
Get the best out of Odoo with Hermes.
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Aliansa is a big wholesale company who deals in a wide range of white goods, entertainment, barbecue equipment,..They sell to retail shops in addition to having 4 own retail shops and eCommerce. They were struggling with old ERP system and then decided for a change. With Odoo they cover entire business process, wholesale and retail and BI.
Bevo d.o.o
Bonpet Systems d.o.o.
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Reliable extinguishing systems for your home
Reliable extinguishing systems for your home
Catacea d.o.o.
En gros/au détail
Catacea is a wholesale company selling spare parts for cars. It is a new established company that
needed to get their processes covered, for what they chose odoo. With odoo they managed to cover
purchase and sales and most important they get great business reports over their sales.
needed to get their processes covered, for what they chose odoo. With odoo they managed to cover
purchase and sales and most important they get great business reports over their sales.
Efekt Krško d.o.o
Efekt Krško, d.o.o.
V podjetju EFEKT Krško, d.o.o. izvajamo in vzdržujemo vse vrste elektroinstalacij: jakotočne in šibkotočne inštalacije, meritve na električnih in strelovodnih inštalacijah, vzdrževanje in adaptacija električnih naprav, izdelava in montaža elektro omar, komunikacije; nadzorni sistemi in inteligentne inštalacije, celovite rešitve pri tehničnem delu priprave in izvedbe projekta, projektiranje razsvetljave, električno ogrevanje in druge rešitve na področju elektro storitev in razsvetljave objetov.
Efekt Krško, d.o.o.
V podjetju EFEKT Krško, d.o.o. izvajamo in vzdržujemo vse vrste elektroinstalacij: jakotočne in šibkotočne inštalacije, meritve na električnih in strelovodnih inštalacijah, vzdrževanje in adaptacija električnih naprav, izdelava in montaža elektro omar, komunikacije; nadzorni sistemi in inteligentne inštalacije, celovite rešitve pri tehničnem delu priprave in izvedbe projekta, projektiranje razsvetljave, električno ogrevanje in druge rešitve na področju elektro storitev in razsvetljave objetov.
Euro-T d.o.o.
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Euro-T is a wholesale Company buying and selling clothes, especially T-shirts, vestibules, polo shirts, accessories’ for restaurants, etc. for different customers. They have suppliers from entire Europe, and they specialize in branding clothes with logos for various Slovenian companies.
Računovodski servis Fislan
Potrebujete učinkovit računovodski servis brez skritih stroškov in ugoden in mesečni pavšal? Ali ste morda nezadovoljni s trenutnim računovodstvom?
Računovodski servis Fislan
Potrebujete učinkovit računovodski servis brez skritih stroškov in ugoden in mesečni pavšal? Ali ste morda nezadovoljni s trenutnim računovodstvom?
Forma svetila d.o.o.
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There is no left without right, no interior without exterior, and no space without light. Luminance provides materials with textures, colours with tones and facilitates accurate interpretation of space. Light and dark shades define ambiance. Unparalleled sense perception and dazzling luminosity of the room are fulfilled when light subtly embraces each element of a carefully furnished interior. www.lightingonline.eu thoroughly manages the entire process culminating in outstanding lighting services for your home, public spaces, hotels, restaurants, wellness centres, commercial buildings, office spaces, museums and outdoor lighting fixtures. We transform your ideas into a breathtaking reality while consistently maintaining a client-oriented focus.
There is no left without right, no interior without exterior, and no space without light. Luminance provides materials with textures, colours with tones and facilitates accurate interpretation of space. Light and dark shades define ambiance. Unparalleled sense perception and dazzling luminosity of the room are fulfilled when light subtly embraces each element of a carefully furnished interior. www.lightingonline.eu thoroughly manages the entire process culminating in outstanding lighting services for your home, public spaces, hotels, restaurants, wellness centres, commercial buildings, office spaces, museums and outdoor lighting fixtures. We transform your ideas into a breathtaking reality while consistently maintaining a client-oriented focus.
GALLUS SM d.o.o.
The company Gallus introduced itself under this name for the first time only in 1990, but the beginning of the craft dates back to 1984. The company has been family-owned since the very beginning. Until 2002, it was run by Marijan Ciril Selak, but today he successfully continues to run the company by his son Marjan, who was joined by his sister Simona.
From the very beginning, the core business of Gallus has been locksmithing and the manufacture of various metal products. In recent years, we have strongly focused on firefighting, as our main production has become the production of our own gas fire extinguisher (CO2) and the production of spare parts for fire extinguishers, as well as the production of hydrant cabinets and fire fittings. In addition, we offer several types of protective cabinets and brackets for fire extinguishers and other protective equipment from our own production, and we also meet individual wishes for the production of various metal objects. In addition, Gallus is also involved in the service business. We offer service of fire extinguishers, inspection and measurements of the hydrant network and issuance of certificates of their flawless operation. We have obtained the appropriate authorizations and professionally trained staff for all of the above. In addition, we also run fire protection courses with a practical demonstration of extinguishing.
In addition, we also deal with hydraulics or the manufacture and repair of various hydraulic pipes.
From the very beginning, the core business of Gallus has been locksmithing and the manufacture of various metal products. In recent years, we have strongly focused on firefighting, as our main production has become the production of our own gas fire extinguisher (CO2) and the production of spare parts for fire extinguishers, as well as the production of hydrant cabinets and fire fittings. In addition, we offer several types of protective cabinets and brackets for fire extinguishers and other protective equipment from our own production, and we also meet individual wishes for the production of various metal objects. In addition, Gallus is also involved in the service business. We offer service of fire extinguishers, inspection and measurements of the hydrant network and issuance of certificates of their flawless operation. We have obtained the appropriate authorizations and professionally trained staff for all of the above. In addition, we also run fire protection courses with a practical demonstration of extinguishing.
In addition, we also deal with hydraulics or the manufacture and repair of various hydraulic pipes.
Graft Polymer d.o.o.
Graft Polymer (UK) Plc (LSE: GPL) was established in 2017 by a group of polymer technology experts and venture capitalists. Graft Polymer’s core business comprises polymer modification and the development of drug delivery systems. The Group is a highly innovative business with strong intellectual property holding several patent applications.
Graft Polymer (UK) Plc (LSE: GPL) was established in 2017 by a group of polymer technology experts and venture capitalists. Graft Polymer’s core business comprises polymer modification and the development of drug delivery systems. The Group is a highly innovative business with strong intellectual property holding several patent applications.
Comprehensive accounting, financial and business solutions in one place. Simple and effective.
Comprehensive accounting, financial and business solutions in one place. Simple and effective.
Hermes d.o.o.
Hermes is an experienced and trusted software company dedicated to delivering innovative Business Solutions to all sized businesses across the region.
Autres services
ITF Enhancing Human Security (ITF) (previously named International Trust Fund for Demining and Mine Victims Assistance) is a humanitarian, non-profit organization established by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia with the initial purpose to help Bosnia and Herzegovina in the implementation of the peace agreement and to provide assistance and support in post-conflict rehabilitation. With the help of Odoo, Hermes has set up a budget monitoring system to monitor their donations and project costs in detail. As a non-profit organization, they are obliged to report donations and activities to the competent institutions. Odoo helps them with that.
Janko orac s.p.
Construction machinery services, excavations, puzzles
Janko Orač s.p. is a modern construction company with more than 30 years of tradition. It is mainly focused on services with heavy construction machinery and bulk transport.
Construction machinery services, excavations, puzzles
Janko Orač s.p. is a modern construction company with more than 30 years of tradition. It is mainly focused on services with heavy construction machinery and bulk transport.
LA & CO d.o.o
By developing and selling high-quality, nature-friendly, innovative and user-friendly products, we strive to:
to have a leading market position in the segment of hydraulic components and linear technology in Slovenia
to increase the market share in the field of tires and to secure a permanent place among the top three providers on the Slovenian market in terms of sales volume
reduce dependence on the largest supplier by expanding the sales program
By developing and selling high-quality, nature-friendly, innovative and user-friendly products, we strive to:
to have a leading market position in the segment of hydraulic components and linear technology in Slovenia
to increase the market share in the field of tires and to secure a permanent place among the top three providers on the Slovenian market in terms of sales volume
reduce dependence on the largest supplier by expanding the sales program
MALALAN d.o.o.
En gros/au détail
Malalan: Seven Decades of Excellence
The essence of the story of the Malalan family is not in the fact that the company has in the last seven decades developed from a rearranged barn into the leading house of watchmaking and jewellery in Slovenia and Croatia, but rather in the fact that it is written by the authenticity of three generations and their strong bond. What was started by Anton Malalan in 1949, was continued by his three sons who in their early years predicted the strong commitment to family tradition. Today, Draguljarna Malalan headed by Peter Malalan operates in Ljubljana and Zagreb.
Malalan: Seven Decades of Excellence
The essence of the story of the Malalan family is not in the fact that the company has in the last seven decades developed from a rearranged barn into the leading house of watchmaking and jewellery in Slovenia and Croatia, but rather in the fact that it is written by the authenticity of three generations and their strong bond. What was started by Anton Malalan in 1949, was continued by his three sons who in their early years predicted the strong commitment to family tradition. Today, Draguljarna Malalan headed by Peter Malalan operates in Ljubljana and Zagreb.
Autres services
Makro 5 inženjering d.o.o.
Smo gradbeno-inženirsko podjetje, ki je na trgu prisotno že več kot 30 let. Izvajamo visokokakovostne, strokovno in finančno učinkovite gradbeno-inženirske storitve visokih gradenj v Sloveniji in na sosednjih trgih. Kakovost svojih storitev potrjujemo z odlično in pravočasno izvedbo zahtevnih gradbenih projektov. V podjetju vlagamo v izobraževanje visoko kvalificiranih kadrov, ki predstavljajo več kot polovico naših zaposlenih in sledimo sodobnim razvojnim trendom na področju gradbeništva.
Smo gradbeno-inženirsko podjetje, ki je na trgu prisotno že več kot 30 let. Izvajamo visokokakovostne, strokovno in finančno učinkovite gradbeno-inženirske storitve visokih gradenj v Sloveniji in na sosednjih trgih. Kakovost svojih storitev potrjujemo z odlično in pravočasno izvedbo zahtevnih gradbenih projektov. V podjetju vlagamo v izobraževanje visoko kvalificiranih kadrov, ki predstavljajo več kot polovico naših zaposlenih in sledimo sodobnim razvojnim trendom na področju gradbeništva.
Matisa d.o.o.
With own manufacture Matisa offers you flexibility, excellent quality/price ratio, short delivery times and top-quality servicing support
An offer of generator sets, UPS systems, water pumps, motors, on wich we guarantee to our buyers, they get the best for their money.
With own manufacture Matisa offers you flexibility, excellent quality/price ratio, short delivery times and top-quality servicing support
An offer of generator sets, UPS systems, water pumps, motors, on wich we guarantee to our buyers, they get the best for their money.
NGEN d.o.o.
Autres services
NGEN d.o.o. is an energy system solutions provider.
NGEN uses the technology of pooling production, storage and consuption units. Each entity represents one unit of virtual power plant (VPP), together they form a balancing group that is managed by NGEN through system algorithm for performing primary, secondary and tertiary power system frequency regulation.
NGEN d.o.o. is an energy system solutions provider.
NGEN uses the technology of pooling production, storage and consuption units. Each entity represents one unit of virtual power plant (VPP), together they form a balancing group that is managed by NGEN through system algorithm for performing primary, secondary and tertiary power system frequency regulation.
NeoProject d.o.o.
PlanetCare d.o.o.
PlanetCare believes in good. Good materials. Good deals. Good people. A better world. 🌎
They are a small and very passionate group of enthusiasts, coming from very different backgrounds and united through the same cause – caring about our planet. Lawyers, engineers, economists, tax accountants...
The PlanetCare filter is a solution that can massively improve the quality or our waters and so far the only built-in system that prevents the microfibres to be released into washing machine waste water and enter our environment.
They are a small and very passionate group of enthusiasts, coming from very different backgrounds and united through the same cause – caring about our planet. Lawyers, engineers, economists, tax accountants...
The PlanetCare filter is a solution that can massively improve the quality or our waters and so far the only built-in system that prevents the microfibres to be released into washing machine waste water and enter our environment.
Povezujemo vaš digitalni poslovni svet. Stojimo vam ob strani pri nadgrajevanju vaših poslovnih IT aplikacij s preverjenimi izvajalci in rešitvami.
Sinecon je ekipa vodilnih IT strokovnjakov in poslovnih svetovalcev, ki s pomočjo dolgoletne prakse odlično razumejo tako svoje naročnike kot trg digitalnih rešitev. Sinecon v procesu digitalizacije skozi metodološki in svetovalni pristop svoje naročnike povezuje z zanesljivimi dobavitelji digitalnih produktov in projektov. Pomagamo vam izbrati najboljše digitalne rešitve, izvajalce, optimizirati stroške nakupa in uspešno izpeljati digitalne projekte.
Sinecon je ekipa vodilnih IT strokovnjakov in poslovnih svetovalcev, ki s pomočjo dolgoletne prakse odlično razumejo tako svoje naročnike kot trg digitalnih rešitev. Sinecon v procesu digitalizacije skozi metodološki in svetovalni pristop svoje naročnike povezuje z zanesljivimi dobavitelji digitalnih produktov in projektov. Pomagamo vam izbrati najboljše digitalne rešitve, izvajalce, optimizirati stroške nakupa in uspešno izpeljati digitalne projekte.
With quality and efficient solutions and expertise, we ensure profitable industrial processes that follow the needs of individual companies, increase their added value and enable technological and business growth.
Partner of first choice in new projects and technological improvements.
With quality and efficient solutions and expertise, we ensure profitable industrial processes that follow the needs of individual companies, increase their added value and enable technological and business growth.
Partner of first choice in new projects and technological improvements.
We provide the leading brands with flexible, full-stack nutricosmetics product development and production service revolving around our battle-proven liquid collagen formulations.
We provide the leading brands with flexible, full-stack nutricosmetics product development and production service revolving around our battle-proven liquid collagen formulations.
Zagotavljamo veliko fleksibilnost in strokovnost, s katero so zahteve in želje naših strank izpolnjene.
Z vsako stranko želimo doseči dolgoročno sodelovanje in izpolnjevanje skupnih poslovnih ciljev.
Pričakovanje kupcev sprejmemo s profesionalnim pristopim, zanesljivo ter hitro dobavo visoko kvalitetnih proizvodov.
Zadovoljstvo kupcev je naše merilo.
Tronitec ni samo dobavitelj, ampak tudi vaš poslovni partner.
Zagotavljamo veliko fleksibilnost in strokovnost, s katero so zahteve in želje naših strank izpolnjene.
Z vsako stranko želimo doseči dolgoročno sodelovanje in izpolnjevanje skupnih poslovnih ciljev.
Pričakovanje kupcev sprejmemo s profesionalnim pristopim, zanesljivo ter hitro dobavo visoko kvalitetnih proizvodov.
Zadovoljstvo kupcev je naše merilo.
Tronitec ni samo dobavitelj, ampak tudi vaš poslovni partner.
We develop reliable web solutions tailored entirely to your needs
We develop all types of web solutions.
We develop all types of web solutions.
Zeleni Hit d.o.o.
Zeleni hit, že od 1993 zanesljiv partner pri tehnološko dovršeni pridelavi zelenjave, sadja in drugih kultur.
Zeleni hit, že od 1993 zanesljiv partner pri tehnološko dovršeni pridelavi zelenjave, sadja in drugih kultur.
Šeško d.o.o
Družinsko podjetje ŠEŠKO, d.o.o. izhaja iz obrtne dejavnosti Šeško Jožeta s tradicijo vse od leta 1938, ko je pričel z izdelavo kovanih izdelkov – takrat predvsem vozov, kočij ter podkovanjem konj.
Osnovna dejavnost podjetja danes je razvoj, proizvodnja, prodaja in montaža vlečnih naprav za osebna in lažja tovorna vozila, prav tako pa se ukvarjamo z izdelavo najrazličnejših prosto kovanih izdelkov, kot so kovane vrtne, balkonske in stopniščne ograje, okenske mreže, nadstreški, enokrilna ali dvokrilna vrata, drsna vrata, stenske in vrtne luči ter lestenci, kljuke, zapahi in tečaji za vrata ter okovje za staro pohištvo in skrinje, svečniki, vrata za odprte kamine in garniture ter najrazličnejše kovane izdelke po vašem okusu.
Od leta 1999 smo certificirani s standardom ISO 9001:1994, od leta 2009 skrbimo za kakovost po standardu ISO 9001:2008, od leta 2015 pa po novem standardu ISO 9001:2015.
Osnovna dejavnost podjetja danes je razvoj, proizvodnja, prodaja in montaža vlečnih naprav za osebna in lažja tovorna vozila, prav tako pa se ukvarjamo z izdelavo najrazličnejših prosto kovanih izdelkov, kot so kovane vrtne, balkonske in stopniščne ograje, okenske mreže, nadstreški, enokrilna ali dvokrilna vrata, drsna vrata, stenske in vrtne luči ter lestenci, kljuke, zapahi in tečaji za vrata ter okovje za staro pohištvo in skrinje, svečniki, vrata za odprte kamine in garniture ter najrazličnejše kovane izdelke po vašem okusu.
Od leta 1999 smo certificirani s standardom ISO 9001:1994, od leta 2009 skrbimo za kakovost po standardu ISO 9001:2008, od leta 2015 pa po novem standardu ISO 9001:2015.