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Agitech has established its head office in Egypt since 2002 by a team that has high skills and experience, which equals more than 50 man-years in the field of Chromatography and life sciences. Our intimate knowledge of each local market together with supplying superior instruments, and our local and international experience make Agitech & its affiliates your ideal partner wherever you are located in our region. In 2004, Agitech established its subsidiary AG Technologies in Algeria, and have built the local resellers infra-structure to serve the necessary from local procedures in countries. In fact from our headquarters in Cairo and with our regional offices and sub-dealers we are able to efficiently serve the growing laboratory customers in mid & west Africa. Agitech has gone beyond commitment to excellence supporting their Local resellers and customers. In addition, investing extremely for developing the company resources looking forward to delivering the same quality of sales and after-sales to these countries as we accomplish in Egypt.