Odoo Experience 2018
Building Beautiful REST APIs for Odoo with Swagger
Ubicación: Aula Magna / Lauzelle - 4/10/18 12:00 - 4/10/18 12:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutos)
Building Beautiful REST APIs for Odoo with Swagger
Laurent Mignon - Senior Software Engineer, Acsone
Laurent Mignon - Senior Software Engineer, Acsone

As a consultant for Acsone I have worked as a project developer for large organisations and public administrations for many years. In 2013 I joined the Odoo Competency Centre as Senior Software Engineer and Architect. Within the competency Centre, I am often in charge of interoperability issues between Odoo and existing third-party systems. Based on this experience, we have developed generic modules to interface Odoo with document management systems (Alfodoo) or other IT systems (base_rest).

This talk is will be of special interest to developers, and applies to Odoo versoins 10 and 11, both Enterprise and Community. 

As Odoo becomes one of the central pieces of enterprise IT systems, it often becomes necessary to set up specialized service interfaces, so existing systems can interact with Odoo. While the XML-RPC interface of Odoo comes in handy in such situations, it requires a deep understanding of Odoo’s internal data model. When used extensively, it creates a strong coupling between Odoo's internal and client systems, therefore increasing maintenance costs.

In this talk, developers will learn to use the ‘base_rest’ addon to design, develop and test high level REST APIs for Odoo. This addon uses Swagger tooling to expose familiar, beautiful, standard based, self-documenting APIs. Additional characteristics include strong input/output data validation as well as authentication and authorization using native Odoo mechanisms.

We will cover this with a short presentation and live demo on Odoo 11 Enterprise.