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Odoo Discuss is an easy to use messaging app for teams that brings all your organization's communication into one place and seamlessly integrates with the Odoo platform. Discuss lets you send and receive messages from wherever you are in Odoo as well as manage your messages and notifications easily from within the app. Discuss allows you to create channels for team chats, conversations about projects, meeting coordination, and more in one simple and searchable interface.

Communiceren met uw team door middel van kanalen

You can use channels to organize discussions between individual teams, departments, projects, or any other group that requires regular communication. By having conversations that everyone in the channel can see, it's easy to keep the whole team in the loop with the latest developments.

Een kanaal aanmaken

In Discussies zijn er twee types van kanalen - publiek en privé.

A public channel can only be created by an administrator with write privileges and can be seen by everyone in the organization. By contrast, a private channel can be created by any user and by default is only visible to users who have been invited to this channel.

Een kanaal configureren

You can configure a channel's name, description, access rights, automatic subscription, and emailing from #channel-name ‣ Settings. Changing channel access rights allows you to control which groups can view each channel. You can make a channel visible by all users, invited users, or users within a selected user group. Note that allowing "Everyone" to follow a private channel will let other users view and join it as they would a public channel.

Hoe een e-mail lijst op te stellen?

A channel can be configured to behave as a mailing list. From within #channel-name ‣ Settings, define the email you would like to use. Users can then post to the channel and choose to receive notifications using the defined email address. An envelope icon will appear next to the channel name in the list to indicate that a channel will send messages by email.

Een kanaal lokaliseren

Indien u geen kanaal ziet op uw dashboard kan u de lijst doorzoeken van publieke kanalen om het juiste kanaal te vinden of een nieuw kanaal aan te maken door te klikken op het plus icoon.

You can also click the CHANNELS heading to browse a list of all public channels. This allows the user to manually join and leave public channels from a single screen.

Uw berichten opvolgen met gebruik van de inbox

Use the inbox to monitor updates and progress on everything you do in Odoo. Notifications from everything you follow and conversations in which you are mentioned appear in your inbox.

Marking an item with a check sets the message to read and removes it from your inbox. If you would like to save an item for future reference or action, mark it with a star to add it to the Starred box. You can star any message or notification in Discuss or any of the item-specific chatters throughout Odoo to keep tabs on it here.

E-mails verzenden

U kan e-mails verzenden vanuit de inbox van Odoo discussies. Bovenop de gebruikelijke e-mail mogelijkheden kan u een sjabloon selecteren dat u al heeft aangemaakt of één on the fly aanmaken en bewaren voor later gebruik.

De aandacht grijpen met directe berichten en vermeldingen

You can mention a user in a channel or chatter by typing @user-name. Mentioning a user in the chatter will set them as a follower of the item (if they are not already) and send a message to their inbox. The item containing the mention will also be bolded in the list view. Mentioning a user in a channel will send a message to their inbox. You cannot mention a user in a channel who is not subscribed to the channel. Typing #channel-name will provide a link to the mentioned channel in either a chatter or another channel.

Direct berichten versturen naar een gebruiker

Direct messages are private messages viewable only by the sender and recipient. You can send direct messages to other users from within the Discuss module by creating a new conversation or selecting an existing one from the sidebar. Direct messages can be sent from anywhere in Odoo using the speech bubble icon in the top bar. The online status of other users is displayed to the left of their name. A green dot indicates that a user is Online, an orange dot that they are Idle, and a grey dot that they are offline.

Desktop notificaties vanuit discussies

You can choose to see desktop notifications when you receive a new direct message. The notification shows you the sender and a brief preview of the message contents. These can be configured or disabled by clicking on the gear icon in the corner of the notification..

Opvolging van belangrijke onderwerpen, projecten en conversaties

You can keep track of virtually any object in Odoo, such as a Task or Quotation, by following it. An item can be followed from the item view, just above the chatter.

U kan kiezen welke soorten van evenementen u wilt volgen. Het onderstaande voorbeeld toont de beschikbare opties wanneer u een taak volgt in the Project module.

U kan andere gebruikers uitnodigen en kanalen toevoegen aan volgers. Een kanaal toevoegen als een volger verzend berichten die in de chatter geplaatst worden naar het kanaal met een link naar het originele document.

Filters gebruiken om te navigeren binnen discussies

The topbar search provides access to the same comprehensive search function present in the rest of Odoo. You can apply multiple filter criteria and save filters for later use. The search function accepts wildcards by using the underscore character "_" to represent a single character wildcard.