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[UNKNOWN NODE problematic]总括订单**维系着你(客户)和你的供应商。它被用来帮助你议价。供应商得益于大规模订单所固有的规模效益。你被允许在一段时间内以更低的价格接收多个小量的交货,而不必立即支付大订单。每个小期间的交货被称为释放或者取消。

由于总括订单是一份合同,它将会有一些 前置的条件。通常包括:

  • 每种产品的交付总量
  • 在最后期限,你必须接收所有的产品量。
  • 每种产品的单价
  • Delivery lead time in days for each release

Activate the Purchase Agreements

The Blanket Order function is provided by the Purchase Agreements feature. By default, the Purchase Agreements is not activated. To be able to use blanket orders, you must first activate the option.

In the Purchases module, open the Configuration menu and click on Settings. In the Orders section, locate the Purchase Agreements and tick the box, then click on Save.

Create a Blanket Order

To create a new blanket order, open Purchase ‣ Purchase Agreements.


In the Agreement Type field, choose Blanket Order.

Choose the Vendor with whom you will make the agreement.

Set the Agreement Deadline as per the conditions of the agreement.

Set the Ordering Date to the starting date of the contract.

Leave the Delivery Date empty because we will have different delivery dates with each release.


Click on Confirm.

Now click on the button New Quotation. A RfQ is created for this vendor, with the products chosen on the PT. Repeat this operation for each release.

Be careful to change the Quantity field on the RFQ. By default, the RFQ quantity will be for the entire remaining quantity. Your individual releases should be for some smaller quantity.

When all of the releases (purchase orders) have been delivered and paid, you can click on Validate and Done.

View Purchase Agreements in our Online Demonstration.