
尋找 Odoo 合作夥伴

Florilor Street, Nr. 296
407 280 Cluj
+40 7 56 32 76 98


Our company is Odoo partner since 2013 and promotes cutting-edge ICT technologies in SMEs at national and at European level. We develop and automate customers business with the Odoo management software. We implement innovative solutions by means of process optimization, simulation technology, integrated business management tools, advanced maths and simulation. Thus, we foster the increase of productivity and the cost reduction in the companies of our customers, driving the consolidation of their market position. Our customers can choose between in-house or in-cloud ERP solutions.


Metalwerk Plasma SRL
Metalwerk Plasma este o companie românească, orientată spre inovație și excelență. Misiunea noastră este de a oferi confort termic, sustenabilitate și eficiență clienților noștri, prin sistemul de încălzire prin pardoseală Bjorn Heizung. Am apelat la Odoo, după o documentare riguroasă, pentru că ne doream o soluție ERP versatilă, flexibilă și user-friendly. Așteptările noastre au fost îndeplinite de echipa de implementare Odoo, coordonată de Elena și Ioan Lucian Muntean. Mai mult, bogata lor experiență și întrebările bine fundamentate ne-au ajutat să optimizăm anumite procese în cadrul companiei. Recomandăm Odoo tuturor companiilor care își doresc digitalizare, automatizare și un bun control al performanței. – Mihai Maerean, CEO Metalwerk Plasma
Metro Systems Romania
Innovation, performance and complete information technology (IT) services in international retail trade - all offered by METRO SYSTEMS Romania, both globally and tailored to the individual local needs of all METRO Cash & Carry sales lines in 26 countries in Europe and Asia.
METRO SYSTEMS Romania develops specific solutions and products along the full value chain and provides a powerful IT infrastructure with a team of over 900 professionals in the country. Together with METRONOM (Germany), the company represents the tech division of METRO Group.
Omrigon GmbH
Die Omrigon GmbH bietet mit ihren Partnern ein umfangreiches Projekt- und Umsetzungs-Know-how in den Bereichen:

• Beschaffung
• Vertrieb
• IT - Services
• Länderservices

Die Wurzeln der Omrigon GmbH liegen im Jahr 1998.
Aus dem aufstrebenden Einzelunternehmen wurde 2003 ein GmbH.
Zum Team gehören erfahrene Spezialisten aus dem In- und Ausland, die sich erfolgreich für Sie und Ihre Vorhaben einsetzen.
PGL Esports Srl is one of the largest esports tournament operator in the world.
PYROSTOP TOTAL SECURITY GROUP is the result of the merger of three brands with a tradition
of over 20 years in security services in Cluj Napoca, Total Security, Pinda and Pyrostop, under the slogan "Big eyes on the wall".
Home and apartment owners as well as business owners choose our security solutions because:
PYROSTOP TOTAL SECURITY GROUP use innovative technologies, provide the fastest response and
have the best people.
Satriun Group AG
We are Satriun. We push the boundaries of corporate performance management. By speaking the language of the CFO and understanding his challenges. With top-of-the-league specialists in transforming finance and integrating systems. True experts with client-side experience and a never-settle-for-less mentality. We always deliver, regardless of the challenge. Where others have failed, we take over. We get the job done. In time. On budget. Unlocking new opportunities. That is what drives us. That is what make us Satriun.
Spearhead Systems
Spearhead Systems is at the forefront of consulting, technology services and digital transformation with a focus on high performance. Highly specialized in the delivery of IT infrastructure & application monitoring as well as cloud computing services to customers all over the globe, Spearhead Systems is a trusted technology partner in the ever evolving world of cloud and digital platforms.
In 2017 Spearhead Systems added to the portfolio of services and the provision of a Romanian public cloud service, in order to respond to the market trends that are heading towards a direction of digitization and complete outsourcing of the IT needs of the companies. The cloud service implemented by Spearhead Systems aims to provide hosting services for the virtual IT infrastructure, using innovative technologies, which allow to achieve a higher performance with less resources.
For more information, visit www.spearhead.cloud
SwissCHem AG
SwissChem AG is a manufacturing company from Switzerland, that develops new products, tailored to customer’s demands.
We introduced in Odoo a series of business processes specific to this niche, such as approval processes (products and customers), industry calculations (manufacturing, commercial, externalized manufacturing). These processes are fully integrated with the rest of Odoo apps.
Existing Odoo processes have been adapted to industry needs, e.g. sales, purchases, delivery, manufacturing.