Odoo Experience 2019
Unleash the Power of GraphQL with Odoo
位置: Martin's / Vitality - 2019/10/3 下午3:00 - 2019/10/3 下午3:20 (Europe/Brussels) (20 分鐘)
Unleash the Power of GraphQL with Odoo
Stéphane Bidoul
Operations Director Acsone
Stéphane Bidoul
Operations Director Acsone

Sometimes touted as a better REST, GraphQL is a relatively new technology for building APIs that have been gaining a lot of traction in recent years.    

This practical talk aims at explaining what GraphQL is and how you can use it to expose elegant, flexible, self-documented APIs with Odoo in record time. In this talk. 

 - You will learn what GraphQL is, with a short introduction. 

- We will compare GraphQL to other similar technologies such as SOAP, REST or XML-RPC. 

- We will discuss why GraphQL is a relevant technology to consider when integrating Odoo within an existing IT landscape, and the benefits and attention points when using, it compared to other approaches. 

- We will show a demonstration, with working code examples using Python Graphene and Odoo Enterprise 12, using a LGPL licensed OCA module.  

A version of this talk was first given at FOSDEM 2019. This version is specifically geared towards an Odoo audience.