Odoo Experience 2018
GDPR: How Odoo Can Help You with Compliance
位置: Aula Magna / Foyer du Lac - 2018/10/5 上午10:40 - 2018/10/5 上午11:30 (Europe/Brussels) (50 分鐘)
GDPR: How Odoo Can Help You with Compliance
Olivier Dony, Platform & Security - Odoo
Platform & Security at Odoo
Olivier Dony, Platform & Security - Odoo
Platform & Security at Odoo

Since May 25th, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has come into effect, opening a new era of data protection and privacy. Everyone has heard and read a lot of information about GDPR, but it can be difficult to understand exactly what it means for you, in practical terms, what you should do to be compliant with the new rules, and how Odoo can help you with this daunting task.

After covering the key concepts of GDPR, this talk will review the most common processes a business needs to implement under GDPR. Based on our experience at Odoo SA, we'll discuss how Odoo can help you in practice to become compliant, from the data mapping step to the processing of data subject requests.