شركة عالم الغذاء والدواء, Salman Ibrahim Hamad Bin Sulayem & Partners Co

شركة عالم الغذاء والدواء, Salman Ibrahim Hamad Bin Sulayem & Partners Co

Bin Sliem is a growing company that has recently started investing in the food supplement industry, with a focus on general healthcare products. The company offers a variety of supplements to meet individual needs and preferences, including vitamins C, zinc, magnesium, and other important nutrients. Their aim is to support a healthy lifestyle and promote better health and well-being for individuals.

Recently, Bin Sliem has partnered with Crevisoft Corporation, a technology services provider, to enhance their business operations. Crevisoft has provided Bin Sliem with various Odoo modules, including HR, Sales , Purchase, CRM, inventory, and accounting, to help streamline their business processes and gain more insights into their operations. By using Odoo modules, Bin Sliem is able to manage their operations more efficiently and better serve their customers.

This collaboration between Bin Sliem and Crevisoft has allowed Bin Sliem to focus on their core business of providing quality health supplements, while Crevisoft takes care of their technology needs. By working together, both companies have been able to achieve their business goals and provide better services to their customers.