Cestel d.o.o.
Established in 1992, Cestel is a leading provider of automatic traffic counters and in Slovenia and a leading world producer of bridge weigh-in-motion systems. We helped them implement all the critical business processes, from CRM, sales, warehouse and manufacturing to delivery in Odoo. By using our localization modules they are able to meet all local legal requirements. 製造GALLUS SM d.o.o.
The company Gallus introduced itself under this name for the first time only in 1990, but the beginning of the craft dates back to 1984. The company has been family-owned since the very beginning. Until 2002, it was run by Marijan Ciril Selak, but today he successfully continues to run the company by his son Marjan, who was joined by his sister Simona.From the very beginning, the core business of Gallus has been locksmithing and the manufacture of various metal products. In recent years, we have strongly focused on firefighting, as our main production has become the production of our own gas fire extinguisher (CO2) and the production of spare parts for fire extinguishers, as well as the production of hydrant cabinets and fire fittings. In addition, we offer several types of protective cabinets and brackets for fire extinguishers and other protective equipment from our own production, and we also meet individual wishes for the production of various metal objects. In addition, Gallus is also involved in the service business. We offer service of fire extinguishers, inspection and measurements of the hydrant network and issuance of certificates of their flawless operation. We have obtained the appropriate authorizations and professionally trained staff for all of the above. In addition, we also run fire protection courses with a practical demonstration of extinguishing.
In addition, we also deal with hydraulics or the manufacture and repair of various hydraulic pipes. 製造
Gašper trženje d.o.o.
The family company Gašper has been going on for forty years, this comes from the harmony with nature and from using the wood as a renewable source. They are a leader in the production of high-quality windows, doors and semi-products made of wood in Slovenia. We developed a special integration with windows manufacturing software Klaes, this way they were able to move all their business operations to Odoo. Today they manage all their sales, warehousing, manufacturing, marketing and much more in Odoo.製造
KraftPal SI Holding d.o.o.
KraftPal Technologies have developed proprietary technologies for both corrugated cardboard pallets and production process. Pallet designs meet international logistics standards as for wooden pallets in regards to performance characteristics. An automated mass-production manufacturing process integrates all developed pallet designs. Kraftpal uses Odoo to manage all core operations from CRM, Sales, purchase, manufacturing, invoicing and accounting. Since Kraftpal is an international corporation they take full advantage of the multicompany features and accounting consolidation. 製造LA & CO d.o.o
http://www.la-co.siBy developing and selling high-quality, nature-friendly, innovative and user-friendly products, we strive to:
to have a leading market position in the segment of hydraulic components and linear technology in Slovenia
to increase the market share in the field of tires and to secure a permanent place among the top three providers on the Slovenian market in terms of sales volume
reduce dependence on the largest supplier by expanding the sales program 製造
Matisa d.o.o.
http://matisamm.net/en/With own manufacture Matisa offers you flexibility, excellent quality/price ratio, short delivery times and top-quality servicing support
An offer of generator sets, UPS systems, water pumps, motors, on wich we guarantee to our buyers, they get the best for their money. 製造
Mesi d.o.o.
Mesi's mission is to simplify diagnostics and help discover diseases earlier. As a manufacturer of medical grade devices, they need a modern ERP that could keep track of every manufactured unit. Odoo proved to be the ideal solution with full manufacturing traceability, product life-cycle management, quality check points, warehouse management and much more. 製造PlanetCare d.o.o.
PlanetCare believes in good. Good materials. Good deals. Good people. A better world. 🌎They are a small and very passionate group of enthusiasts, coming from very different backgrounds and united through the same cause – caring about our planet. Lawyers, engineers, economists, tax accountants...
The PlanetCare filter is a solution that can massively improve the quality or our waters and so far the only built-in system that prevents the microfibres to be released into washing machine waste water and enter our environment. 製造
With quality and efficient solutions and expertise, we ensure profitable industrial processes that follow the needs of individual companies, increase their added value and enable technological and business growth.
Partner of first choice in new projects and technological improvements. 製造
Šeško d.o.o
Družinsko podjetje ŠEŠKO, d.o.o. izhaja iz obrtne dejavnosti Šeško Jožeta s tradicijo vse od leta 1938, ko je pričel z izdelavo kovanih izdelkov – takrat predvsem vozov, kočij ter podkovanjem konj.Osnovna dejavnost podjetja danes je razvoj, proizvodnja, prodaja in montaža vlečnih naprav za osebna in lažja tovorna vozila, prav tako pa se ukvarjamo z izdelavo najrazličnejših prosto kovanih izdelkov, kot so kovane vrtne, balkonske in stopniščne ograje, okenske mreže, nadstreški, enokrilna ali dvokrilna vrata, drsna vrata, stenske in vrtne luči ter lestenci, kljuke, zapahi in tečaji za vrata ter okovje za staro pohištvo in skrinje, svečniki, vrata za odprte kamine in garniture ter najrazličnejše kovane izdelke po vašem okusu.
Od leta 1999 smo certificirani s standardom ISO 9001:1994, od leta 2009 skrbimo za kakovost po standardu ISO 9001:2008, od leta 2015 pa po novem standardu ISO 9001:2015.
https://www.sesko.si/ 製造