Al-Saeed Industrial and Medical Gases Company
Al Saeed Gases Company is one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of medical and industrial gases in Saudi Arabia. It offers a wide range of pure and mixed gases. Our long experience, high-quality product range, well-selected staff, excellent customer service, locations of our branches, and reliable operations infrastructure ensure that your gases are manufactured reliably and delivered on time… guaranteed! We produces and supplies high-quality medical gases to hospitals and healthcare centers. We also supplies and installs liquid medical gases (cryogenic) tanks, and performs maintenance as well. 能源供應Aldakheel Industrial Gases Plant
Aldakheel Industrial Gases Plant (DIGAS) was founded in 1979 in Medina, Saudi Arabia as one of Abdullah Aldakheel investment company subsidiaries. It produces and supplies high-quality medical gases to hospitals and healthcare centers. It also supplies and installs liquid medical gases (cryogenic) tanks, and performs maintenance as well.For the Industrial sector, DIGAS is a leading supplier of industrial gases to Saudi top projects with long experience and knowledge. 能源供應
Anar International Company
شركة "أنار" اختارت مجال محطات الوقود لتقديم نموذج رائد ومتطور يتجاوز الصورة التقليدية لمحطات البنزين. تسعى "أنار" إلى تحويل محطات الوقود إلى مراكز متكاملة تقدم الخدمات اللازمة للعملاء بطريقة تتناسب مع موقع كل محطة. تركز استراتيجية الشركة على تحقيق مصالح العملاء والمستثمرين في نفس الوقت، مع الالتزام الكامل بالقيم التي تقوم عليها الشركة."Anar" company has chosen the field of fuel stations to provide an innovative and advanced model that surpasses the traditional image of gas stations. "Anar" aims to transform fuel stations into integrated centers that offer necessary services to customers in a manner that suits each station's location. The company's strategy focuses on serving the interests of both customers and investors simultaneously, while fully committing to the values it has adopted. 能源供應
Delta Plus Trading
Delta Plus is a leading company in the field of fuel systems solutionsaccording to the latest international technology and providing the necessary technical support to their partners. As part of their constant endeavor to develop our business, they are cooperating with major manufacturers in the United States and Europe in the fields of energy and fuel systems for generators, fuel stations, Boilers, liquid gases, and medical gases as well as related to marine fuel systems and aviation fuel systems
Executive Office of the Petroleum Demand Sustainability Program
The Oil Sustainability Program was established under the umbrella of the Supreme Committee for Hydrocarbon Materials. The program will work under a supervisory committee chaired by HRH Minster of Energy and includes members from 17 of the main government entities, institutions, and companies in the Kingdom.The aim of the program is to support the energy transition globally, while ensuring a reliable, sustainable and affordable energy mix. The program aims to achieve this objective by removing barriers to energy access in developing markets, accelerating technology developments and reducing environmental impact of conventional energy sources, with the ultimate objective of sustaining and identifying new sources for oil demand. In this regard, 80+ opportunities across three sectors (Materials, Transportation, and Utilities) have been identified (e.g. plastic pallets, polymer in concrete, ICE vehicles, road infrastructure development, recycling, etc.). The scope of these opportunities is global, with particular focus on the developing markets. 能源供應
HAWA Dynamics Contracting Company
Hawa Dynamics Contracting Co. / شركة حركة الهواء للمقاولات• تركيب أنظمة التبريد وتكييف الهواء وصيانتها وإصلاحها.
• تمديدات أنابيب الحريق وصيانتها وإصلاحها.
• تركيب وتمديد أنابيب تكييف الهواء وصيانتها وإصلاحها.
• تركيب وصيانة أجهزة ومعدات الإطفاء.
• Installation, maintenance and repair of refrigeration and air conditioning systems.
• Extension, maintenance and repair of fire pipes.
• Installation, extension, maintenance and repair of air conditioning ducts.
• Installation and maintenance of firefighting equipment and devices.